being the other babysitter would include...

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- you hated steve at first.

- he didn't know why.

- "what did i even do to you y/n?" 

- "you got the whole school to make fun of me because you saw my dad on the streets drunk, then for the rest of middle school i was 'boozers kid'"

- "oh. i'm sorry"

- "go suck a dick harrington, i don't have time for this get your bat we have some demagorgans to kill." 

- "nO aBsOlUtElY nOt!" 

- you being the dad and steve being the mum, like when he says stuff like that^^^ ur like "c'mon steve."

- he just rolls his eyes "fine but...we are so dead." 

- you are the byers cousin so thats how you know them all. 

- dustin ships you and steve but you're just like "ew stAp" you secretly think steves cute. 

- you beat the shit out of billy. 

- is rude to steve - whatever - touches lucas your child - let me at this mf. 

- you punched him so hard he fell to the floor you then beat him up until he passed out, you stoop up brushed of your jeans so casually like it was no big deal. 

- "that was so cool!" dustin said so excitedly.

- steves like shooketh on the floor just like, damn imma marry that woman. 

- after el closes the gate you and steve run up to each other and make sure that both of you are okay. 

- steve grabs your face, "i'm sorry i was an asshole, but i really like you. can i kiss you?" 

- you didn't care you just kissed him and everyone cheered. 

- "its fine, plus we have kids now the past is the past lets go get them to bed." you joked nudging his side. 

- literally parents

- like screw your biological parents steves ur new mummy and y/ns ur new daddy.

- "screw todd, y/ns her daddy now." 

. . . . . . . . .

hope you enjoyed haha this is just for shits and gigs haha don't take it to seriously.