Training with the Avengers

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Peter's P.O.V.

The elevator doors opened and we followed Lizzy to a gym which I've never seen being used. When we walk in, Auntie Nat is sitting in the corner talking to Uncle Bucky. Pops is setting up the materials, and he turns around to face us when we walk in.

"Welcome, please take a seat" Pops smiles, and he gives me a small wink. I'm terrified, because I'm almost 100% sure Uncle Bruce talked and then everyone is going to be mad. On top of that, I can only hope Wade didn't talk either, that would make it so much worse....

Auntie Nat and Uncle Bucky walk towards us, and at that moment Uncle Pietro walks in too. And he doesn't look very happy, but he smiles to try and hide it. He doesn't do a very good job though, and I grin.

"Welcome Midtown High! Today we are going to have a simple training, and explain the basics of fighting to you guys" Uncle Bucky greets us and he smiles. He does a much better job at hiding his anger, but I still notice that he is angry. "So, if you ever get bullied or get in a fight, you can protect yourselves" Nat adds, and the class seems a bit frightened. I don't blame them, given that she said it with a tone that was pretty damn threatening, and she smiled her 'I'm going to kill you' smile in Flash's direction.

"Dude, they seem mad" Ned whispers to me.

"I know, Uncle Bruce must've told them about what happened in the lab" I sigh "And if Wade was on time, and got to them before they got downstairs, Flash is not going to like this afternoon"

"Shit man, can't you talk to them or something?"

"I already tried, Uncle Bruce promised me he wouldn't tell them before I told Wade"

"Peter, if you get called upon just act like you don't know them and you'll be okay" I hear behind me and smile at MJ.

"Thanks, lets hope"

At that moment I hear a sound from above us, and I look up. Uncle Clint. I sigh and Ned looks at me with a questioning look. "Uncle Clint in 4,3,2...1"

I pull Ned and MJ a few steps further to the left, and Uncle Clint lands where we were standing a second ago. The class jumps, and Flash let out a squeak. I grin and look at Flash. The grin gets wiped of my face pretty quickly tho, when Uncle Clint starts talking. "Hey Pete" he puts his arm around my shoulder and forces me to walk with him to the front of the group "How are you doing? Are you having a good day?" I grit my teeth and answer annoyed "It was fine until about 15 minutes ago, when you guys decided to interfere with the tour"

Pops laughs and Uncle Bucky only smirks. "Well, we got some news. And we wanted to let you know how we think about it. You'll find out at the Q&A" I furrowed my brow and hit Uncle Clint lightly in his side. "Auw, what did you do that for? He said, clutching his side.

"Stop overreacting" I laugh "I didn't hit you that hard"

Auntie Nat laughs and Uncle Pietro put his hand on Uncle Clint's shoulder "Ahw, are you okay?" He asks, with a mocking tone.

"I'll show you I'm okay" Uncle Clint laughs, and he grabs Uncle Pietro at his wrists. Uncle Pietro laughs and they fall to the ground while Pops is looking at them like they're 3 years old. "Seriously guys, my 5-year-old acts more mature than you two"

"Is you-know home?" I ask him, not wanting to give away too much about Morgan. He nods "Yeah, free day"

"Oh yeah, I forgot" I turn to Uncle Clint "Will the Barton kids be here tonight?" He nods and I look at Nat "Movienight then?"

"Yup, we only need to pick out a movie. Buck is going to cook, with Shuri's help"

My eyes widen, and I look at her surprised. "Shuri's here? I thought she wouldn't be here 'till next week!"

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