Q&A With the Avengers (Part 2)

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Peter's P.O.V.

"I mean, what is the deal with Parker. How do you know him, and why the hell do you treat him the way you do? What is the deal with Parker?"

I prepared myself for this question, but when Flash actually asked it, I wasn't ready at all. So before anybody can say anything, I stand up.

"Peter? What are you doing?" Dad asks confused, presumably not really getting what the hell I'm doing. To be honest, I have no clue either.

"Saving Flash from getting his head ripped off"

"Peter, sit your ass back down on that chair" I whip my head around so fast it wouldn't surprise me if I broke my neck, and make eye contact with Uncle Loki, who walks through the same door we came through.


"Yes. Thor's here too, he'll be here in a minute. But in the meantime, sit your ass back down on that chair"

"Absolutely not"

"You sure will" I send Wanda a look of complete and utter betrayal, when I suddenly get forced down on my chair with a string of red magic.

"Wade" I whine, but he just shakes his head "Absolutely not Petey, keep yourself out of this. Please"

"No. I won't, I hate him with a burning passion but I'm not gonna let you guys get sued by his parents because you can't control yourself for one fucking minute"

"Peter, Language" Pops gives me a stern look and I suppress the urge to stick my tongue out.

The entire group has been staring at the scene in front of them, eyes wide. "Peter? Not to be rude, but what is your deal? You seem pretty familiar with them" Connor points out, and Dad interrupts me before I can answer.

"Mr. Parker is very important to us. He is my personal assistant and a great kid"

"Peter lives with his aunt right? What does she think of this?" I don't even register who asked it, I immediately zone out at the implication of May.

No. Not aunt May. Please. Everytime May is mentioned I break down, and Dad always needs to talk me out of it.

"Petey, come here. Fast, please?" Wade instructs, who has been keeping an eye on me the entire Q&A. I stand up, and try not to collapse before I get to him. When I reach him, he picks me up and I sit down on his lap, straddling him. I bury my face in his neck and then I can't keep my tears from falling.

"Hey baby, It's okay" Wade whispers, stroking my hair "It'll be okay"

"Thor, can you get some water? Quickly" I didn't know Thor had arrived, but Pops asked him, so I assumed he was in the room.

"Wade, let me. This has happened before" I hear Dad say, and Wade unwraps his arms from around me. Dad sits down on the ground, and I join him, my face stained with tears. I ignore the looks from my classmates, who obviously have no clue what's going on, and hug dad.

"Peter, May is in a better place. You know that right?" I nod slightly "We all love you very much, Me, Steve, Morgan, Everyone. This is what she wanted. It's okay, I promise" Dad keeps whispering, and I relax slowly.

My tears have dried up a few minutes later, and I stand up to hug Pops, when I hear the door open. Before I have time to check who it is, someone is holding onto my legs.

"Morgan! What are you doing here?" I look at the little girl, and pick her up.

"Peter crying. Peter can't be sad" Morgan says with a little voice, and she's avoiding the looks of Dad and Pops, who are staring in awe but who are also a bit mad.

"Hey, I'm okay. I promise. I'm not mad, I'm very grateful you came to give me one of your special Morgan hugs." I reassure her, but she looks up at me with a small smile "But Daddy and Pops are"

"No they aren't, I'll make sure to take all the anger and put it far away, where you'll never find it" I answer, poking her belly.

I shoot a look at Dad, who comes up to us and takes Morgan from me. "Morguna, I'm not mad. But wasn't Happy supposed to watch you?"

"Yeah, but he fell asleep" Morgan giggles.

"Did he?" Pops tunes in, amusement in his voice "Then we are going to scare him awake after this, aren't we?"

"Can Peter come?"

"Of course Peter can come, he lives upstairs" Dad and Pops laugh at the same time, making Morgan giggle even more.

"Uhm, Pops" I make desperate gestures towards my class who are all staring at us, mouths open.

"What the hell?" Flash exclaims, earning a look of pure hatred from Pops, who points at Morgan "Excuse me Eugene, there's a five-year-old in the room"

"I will explain, if you shut your mouths closed. Once again it's-" I cover Morgan's ears for a moment "-fucking annoying"

"I want to hear it" Morgan says, with her best puppy-eyes.

"Absolutely not Missy, that's no talk for a five-year-old girl" Nat answers, picking Morgan up and setting her on her lap, allowing Dad and Pops to stand up and jump in if necessary. Wade grabs hold of my hand, and twists me around 'till I'm facing him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"No" I softly lay my forehead against his, whispering so the rest of the people in the room can't hear us "But I have to"

"Okay, if you say so baby. I can do it for you if you're not comfortable explaining it" Wade offers, and I connect his lips with mine for a brief moment.

"I love you, you know"

"Oh I know" Wade grins cheekily, and I let go of him and stand to face my class.

"So this is what's my deal. I'll explain"

A/N Part 3 is in progress...

Guys, I'd like to ask you some questions. Could you please react with a comment? I can't choose :) (Suggestions/Requests are always welcome too!)

This book is almost over, and I have some ideas for my next book. But I'd like to know what ideas you guys like the best...

1. Soulmate story (Comment with which ship you would like to see!)

2. Stony high-school

3. Spideypool (Wade around the same age as Peter, don't worry ;)

4. Lost Avenger, search party to find him/her

5. Fieldtrip (Once again, but I love those sooo ;)

6. One-shots (Recommend stuff! <3)

7. Irondad story

Please 'vote' in the comments, I would love to know your opinion!

Lots of love


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