16 4 2

Train your mind to see the good in every situation.

I was in my physics class doodling in my book when a senior comes in and hands over a slip to Mrs. Browning and leaves. She looks up and searches the class until her sight falls on me as her face lits up, " Miss Giono you wouldn't mind a trip to the principals for a chat would you?" she looks at me even though the answer was that I had to go even if I wanted or not.
I didn't usually question coz eventually I would find out about it. So I just nodded my head and left with my books. My locker was on the way to the office, so I kept my books in before continuing to the office.
I knock on the door as I hear a stern 'come in'.
I walked in to notice three people ie. The now ex-principal, The newly joined principal and The resident Mysterious hot guy of Oakland High.
Woah! This seems like a nice get-together.
"Mr. Royd I'll take your leave now, hoping good in your future endeavors." Mr Aimen did a handshake with Mr. Royd and left with his files held against his side.
"Hello, Miss Giono nice to meet you." Mr. Royd stated as he walked behind the desk to sit on the chair. He motioned for me to take a seat.
"Good morning sir" I wished before seating myself beside Asher.
Now I felt like asking a whole lotta questions. There were a ton of questions forming in my head as I asked the first one that seemed quite confusing.
"Well sir what brings me here?" I ask as I keep my face neutral to the slight surprising expression of Mr. Royd.
Hey guys
Sorry for a very small chapter but nevertheless it is an update!
I hope you all enjoyed it!

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