Aussies on tour 😋freydot🥵:
Lewis Hamilton be getting
in our very own lils dms 😍my worldie🌍❤️:
as if he is 😂
but man is being flirty in
my comments sectionme:
hun he wants you in his
bed and I say go for itfreydot🥵:
I second the go for it 😉my worldie🌍❤️:
Pft I slid in his dms 😂
"heyaaa u seem to comfy
in my comments 😉"me:
hahaha yes lil I ship
it so much 😍😂freydot🥵:
sams already planning
triple dates for us 😂me:
don't know who am
dating I'm bare lonelyfreydot🥵:
as if. you and Lando
have definitely shagged
at least once 😉😂me:
Literally haven't bc I'm
not getting with him 🙄my worldie🌍❤️:
okay okay hold your
horses Lewis replied 😂
"bet I'll be a lot more
comfy here in the dms"
So I put
"or in my company?"me:
yes lil get the fuck in
ship ship ship
#lewian 😍freydot🥵:
man omg I ship so hard
can we get some lewian
t shirts next time you design
something soph 😂