grid girls💘my worldie🌍❤️,
freydot🥵, vic😚,
cate💘, kelly💝,
girls we have a missionvic😚:
oo im intriguedcate💘:
me tooome:
operation get dan a girlfriendgiada💓:
bless you're such a good sisfreydot🥵:
we have the perfect lass for
him but the only problem is
she has a dickhead of a boyfriendme:
so it's our job to get her to a
race without himvic😚:
what's her @??my worldie🌍❤️:
she used to be Frey's agent and
we haven't seen her for months
so that's going to be our excuse
for inviting her to Francekelly💝:
let's add her to a groupchattme:
this one?giada💓:
go for itt xsoapy🛁 added
saffy🍸 to the groupme:
heyyy safffffsaffy🍸:
for gods sake soph if this is
a ploy to get me with danfreydot🥵:
ofc not bby we just all wanted
to invite you to a race bc we
miss you very much and want
to go over a few things with youcate💘:
oh btw I'm cate!vic😚:
and I'm victoriaakelly💝:
and I'm kelly😚my worldie🌍❤️:
if you want we can book you a
flight and hotel xoxgiada💓:
whilst we're all introducing our
selves I'm Giada ❤️saffy🍸:
hi everyone, I'm saffron xoxme:
she likes to get very drunk
and bully me and Freyafreydot🥵:
so she's basically lil 2.0my worldie🌍❤️:
honestly cannot disagree with
that 🤷🏽♀️saffy🍸:
well I'm usually the one who
gets bullied
that's bc your boyfriend is
a prick.
but would you like to come
to France next week? 💓saffy🍸:
yes, I'd love to come. I'll
just ask Liam if it's okay xgiada💓:
there's no need to ask him hunny
he's your boyfriend not your
couldn't have put it better myselfme:
*told you he's a dick*saffy🍸:
well we like to make decisions
together, it's probably how we've
stayed together so longfreydot🥵:
if I asked sams permission every
time I went away then he'd have
come with me sweetie, me and him
are 7 years strongme:
yeah bby just tell him that
you're comingkelly💝:
yeah he can't stop you from
coming hun xsaffy🍸:
fine, I'll just tell him I'm coming—
holy hell we hit 6k man
omg i love you all so
xox, s