Aussies on Tour 😋🍸freydot🥵:
this is fucking bullshit!my worldie🌎❤️:
she's being flown to Aussie
tomorrow, my flights tonight
so if you want to come down
and stay with us your
obviously welcome too!freydot🥵:
what if she's not out for
the wedding lil?my worldie🌎❤️:
when there's a court date she
will be free to walk in Aussie
but she can't go abroad,
Alexi should be giving her
statement today, and I
just hope she'll tell the truth,
I can't cope without sophfreydot🥵:
is it worth apologising to her?my worldie🌎❤️:
for what exactly?
we were all friends then one day
she just turned and began trying
to steal Sam and Jamie, and
literally dedicated her life to
have a hatred against all 3 of us,
especially sophfreydot🥵:
oh lily I'm scared for soapy
sams booking us a flight for 2mrwmy worldie🌎❤️:
her mum and dad are on their
ways to Mel rn and Dan, Max and
Lando are coming Friday bc
me and Cate convinced them to
go home for a little, they need to
rest for Netherlands as much
as they need to support soph.freydot🥵:
I still can't believe it
like Sophia Ricciardo
the girl who cried because I
swatted a worldie🌎❤️:
I have literally known her since
the day I was born and she has
never fought anyone everfreydot🥵:
this is a literal nightmare.