here's that groupchat i was talking about

12 2 7

a/n after writing: I put no effort into this sorry if your hopes were up enjoy :)

no more than a minute after I posted that last chapter I'm working again let's get this.
if this is crInGey dOn'T jUdGe MeReEEeE I'm EmO1!1!11!1!1!1!1!1!1!1

how the fu do I start this.
by the way I'm writing this for my own enjoyment so if it isn't accurate at all I guess then🖕🤷‍♀️

got ideas from tumblr smh.

here we go for real this time aHA-

ray: guys this isn't chill

ray: someone left frank and gerard unsupervised and they summoned satan for tea

ray: mikey just sat and watched whispering some weird witch spells

ray: all I want to do is sleep

brendon: where are you?????

ray: tour bus idiot. why else would I be spending time with them.

frank: bitch I

ryan: I would help but I have to walk my fuckin cat

brendon: this,

brendon: this is why I never listen to you

ray: so no help for the poor soul?

ryan: no

brendon: seems not. so sad.

brendon: get dal to use his long ass legs to kick satan in the nuts or something idfk man

dallon: first of all,

dallon: no

dallon: sign me up.

ray: forget this.

ray: I'm murdering myself I can't be the  only same one in the band anymore

pete: cha cha real smooth


that was that. now it's time for me to break down into a bag of spicy doritos.

god I hope this was funny.

((hot Cheetos and Talki's or whatever taste terrible prove me wrong))

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