Could you grow a dick?

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Harry, Ron, Hermione and Libra sat on the outer edges of where the candle light fell.

Almost as soon as chaos erupted in the corridor, younger students screaming and Prefects trying to calm everyone down, Filch had arrived.

Libra had feared for her life the man was so angry. It didn't matter that he was a squib, a fact Libra and Ron had found out in detention earlier that year, Libra was sure he would beat her until her body was as red as Ron's hair.

Thankfully, McGonagall had arrived just as Filch started for the quartet. Not far behind Minnie was Dumbledore, sadly. Libra wasn't a fan.

The group had been ushered into the nearest professors office, which happened to be Lockhart's. Now McGonagall, Lockhart, Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, Libra, Harry and an unmoving Mrs. Norris were strewn around the room.

It's just our luck that we would be found there first, out of all of the people in the castle... Harry's voice sounded in Libra's head, and her eyes darted next to her. He was slouching in his seat with a worried look on his face.

Red, Mione and I are only here because of your terrible luck. This is all your fault Harold.

Screw off Black.

Lockhart, as per usual, was blabbering on and on. Though none of what was coming out of his big fat mouth was helpful to the situation.

"It was definitely a curse that killed her-probably the Transmorgifation Torture- I've seen it used many times, so unlucky that I wasn't there, I know the very counter curse that would have saved her..."

I wonder if I can hex him so his mouth never opens up again. Libra thought, narrowing her eyes at the  blond. She saw Harry bite his lip to keep from smiling.

Finch was sobbing in the corner and Hermione shifted in her seat as if she were going to comfort him, but Ron caught onto the edge of her sweater and shook his head softly. They were probably the last people Finch wanted comforted by.

"...I remember something very similar happening in Ouagadogou, a series of attacks, the full story's in my autobiography, I was able to proved the townsfolk with various amulets, which cleared up the matter at once..."

Libra's mouth opened with out her brains consent, as it tends to do. "Maybe instead of jabbering about ways to help, you could actually apply your knowledge to help Mrs. Norris."

Libra saw Harry drop his head into his hands and heard Hermione sigh. Thankfully Dumbledore stood up from examining Mrs. Norris before Finch could try to strangle Libra.

"She's not dead Argus." Dumbledore said as he straightened up from where he was examining Mrs. Norris. Libra sighed in relief, she loved all animals, even Mrs. Norris.

"Not dead?" Finch choked from the corner. He peered through his fingers at Mrs. Norris's prone form. "Then why's she all- stiff and frozen?"

"She's been Petrified." said Dumbledore. Libra raised her eyebrow, she knew about the expression 'petrified with fear' but this was taking it to another level. "How though, I can not say..."

"Ask them!" Finch shouted, throwing his hands up to point at the quartet.

"Did no one ever tell you pointing was rude?" Libra said as she slouched into her chair, uncomfortable with the eyes suddenly on her and her friends.

"We didn't do anything wrong." Hermione insisted, never wanting to be in trouble.

"Of course you didn't." McGonagall said swiftly, striding over from where she was standing to place a hand on Hermione's shoulder. "No matter how brilliant you four are, there is no way a second year could have cast that kind of spell."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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