5. A really, really terrible idea. Fun, but terrible.

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After going to Diagon Alley, the end of summer seemed to come as fast as possible. Libra felt like it was just yesterday her, Ron, the twins, Leo and Harry were driving around in the car.

She didn't want to leave the Burrow, ever. But the time came, and Libra felt strangely emotional.

Charlie and Bill were going to be there to see them off on the train, and then they were leaving right away.

On the night before all of the kids left for their respective places, Mrs. Weasley made one of the most delicious meals Libra had ever tasted. Their was potatoes, a roast, salads, breads, pasta and all kinds of desserts. Libra would take Mrs. Weasley's cooking over anything Hogwarts could make, ever.

"If I ever go to jail, and I get sentenced to death, your mothers cooking is what I'm going request for my last meal." Libra groaned to Ron after dinner on the last day of summer. "I don't think I can move."

Ron laughed at her, and everyone looked at them like they were slightly crazy, but Libra didn't care.

After everyone had finished up, Fred and George set off some fireworks. ("Boys! Where did you get those?")

Libra personally thought that they got Bill and Charlie to charm them so that they were all red and gold, Gryffindor pride.

Mrs. Weasley got tearful later that night, much to everyone's panic.

"I'm just not quite sure what I'll do with myself." She admitted tearfully, running a hand through Gideon's hair. "This will be the first time I don't have one of my boys at home with me in 21 years. It' s going to be so quiet."

As Mr. Weasley was handing everyone hot chocolate later that night, Libra took Mrs. Weasley aside.

"Um, Mrs. Weasley." The young witch began, her eyes darting away from the kind woman's face. "I just wanted to properly thank you for all that you've done for me this summer, you really didn't have to."

Mrs. Weasley beamed at Libra as though she had just told her one of the greatest things in the world.

"Sweetheart." She began, reaching up to cup Libra's chin in her warm hand. Libra fought the urge to flinch, but she didn't hide it well enough. Mrs. Weasley's eyes saddened.

"You are so welcome, and you are welcome here any time. No matter if you and Ron aren't speaking, or if you've gone to jail like you joked about earlier. We're family, sweetie."

If Libra leaned her face into Mrs. Weasleys hand, and her eyes got the tiniest bit misty when the lady kissed her forehead, Mrs. Weasley didn't comment.

The next morning was utter chaos, as per usual. 

People were crashing into each other on the stairs, half eaten pieces of toast and bacon in their hand as they rushed about. Percy couldn't find his socks, and Gid refused to leave with out one of his favorite books, which he couldn't find.

"Sorry!" Libra shouted as she ran into yet another red head. But her eyes focused more, and she realized it was her red head. "Hey Ron! Have you seen Nox? I can't find her anywhere."

"Yeah, she's hiding under the stairs outside."


"Has anyone seen my jacket?"

"They're probably next to my boots, which I can't find...."

"Where's mum?"

"Why didn't you find that last night, dumb ass?"


A great start to the year, really.


Libra Xena Black: Second Year at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now