Chapter 2

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Jessica's pov

It's Friday morning, I stayed with Kirstie last night and we are just up and getting ready for school. I was straightening my hair when my phone buzzed.

From Luke;

Hey, hope you are still coming to the party tonight. James and Skip will be there too. Will be good to see you there, don't bother worrying about Jai, it'll be fine. See you later :) x

To Luke;

Hey, um yeah Kirstie and I will be there, make sure Beau doesn't bring girls because you know how annoyed Kirstie will be haha. We are coming into school but I'll just be leaving at lunch to go to mines and get ready. See you :) x

I replied back and fixed my make up before putting on my jeans and headed out with Kirstie to the bus stop. Again, the bus was late and we arrived at school 20 minutes late. Mr Black was standing at the front door waiting for all the late comers.

"Jessica, Kirstie? My office now" he spoke sternly, Kirstie and I looked at each other and laughed as we walked to his office. There were four people in there already, when I walked in I realised that it was James, Luke, Beau and Jai. For fuck sake, I thought.

"Jess!" Luke shouted and came over to hug me. "Why you in here?" he asked me.

"We were late again and he sent us in here, he's so moany.." I replied pulling away from the hug.

"So are we, but we just left at lunch yesterday and he caught us in the town centre" he said laughing.

"You're so stupid" I laughed back at him and shook my head. I noticed that Kirstie took Luke's seat beside Beau and was talking to him.

"Look at them two lovebirds" Luke laughed going over to stand next to James.

"Jessica?" I heard Jai say and I looked at him.

"Jaidon?" I replied back sarcastically.

"I have such an ugly name" he laughed, I just stood there looking at him. I was really pissed off at him for making such a scene in front of the class on Wednesday. "Can we talk now?"

"There's nothing more to talk about? As you've said, you've said all you can. You need to accept the fact that we are over" I told him straight.

"But everything we had, you're willing to throw it all away?" He asked me. I was just about to answer, when Mr Black walked in and slammed the door closed.

"Boys and girls! What do you think you are here for?" He asked us like we were about five years old.

"I think we are the star pupils this month" James smiled.

"Every single one of your behaviours are unacceptable. Late coming, skipping lessons, walking out of class, misbehaving in class, I mean when was the last time you did your homework Jessica?" He looked at me.

"Probably in Scotland" I answered completely seriously but all the others just laughed and that made him even angrier.

"What happened with you this year? You were fine before the summer and now you've came back and you're just completely outrageous. Has anything happened over the summer holidays?" He asked me. I looked at Jai and he was already looking at me. I looked at the floor and felt everybody's eyes staring at me.

"No sir, nothing's happened" I replied.

"Well you need to get yourself together, and Beau this is your final year in school" he said looking at Beau but Luke spoke up.

"Actually sir, we all will be leaving at the end of the year" Luke said to him.

"Well thank God for that" he said. "Now go back to class, Jessica stay here please, the rest of you go" I sighed as the rest of them walked out and I took a seat in front of Mr Black's desk. "Jessica, I'm sorry for asking in front of everyone but are you okay? Did anything actually happen over the holidays that I could help you with?"

"No..nothing happened" I lied to him again.

"Well, you know I'm here to talk you, just knock on my door whenever" he smiled at me and I stood up and walked out without saying anything to him. I don't know why he's being nice, I really didn't like it though. I walked to my maths class and sat down at my desk. I sit next to Melissa in this class and she's the last person I wanted to see.

"Hey Jessie" she smiled at me.

"It's Jessica" I fake smiled back.

"Whatever, so how are you and Jai?" She asked me and I just shrugged. "When did you break up?" She looked at me.

"During the summer" I replied back bluntly still looking at the teacher talking to us.

"Aww, that's a shame. Why did you break up?" she asked my with a fake frown on her face.

"Look, I'd rather not talk about this okay? So just leave it" I snapped at her.

"Offt, no wonder he broke up with you and those moods" she laughed.

"First of all, I broke up with him and second of all, you need to mind your own business" I looked at her and she looked away rolling her eyes. Why the fuck does she need to be so nosey?

Finally it was break time, I met Kirstie at the front gate as planned and Luke turned up too.

"So will we all just go back to my house then?" I asked then an Kirstie nodded.

"Yeah, I need to go to my house first to get clothes, will I just text Beau and tell him to come and drive us to my house then to yours" he said bringing his phone out and Kirstie's face went bright red as soon as he mentioned Beau's name. I laughed quietly at her and about 2 minutes later Beau came out running away from someone.

"Run to the car guys Mr Black is coming after us!" he shouted and we all started running down the street following Luke towards the car with Beau trailing just behind us and Mr Black chasing after us. "Fuck why did I park the car so far away" Beau shouted laughing.

We finally got to the car and Beau unlocked it as we all jumped in the car, Kirstie managed to push Luke and I into the back seats so she could sit in the front with Beau. Beau got in and turned on the engine and sped off through the street.

"I haven't done that much exercise in years" I laughed and Luke nodded.

"Don't worry neither have I, I need to start going to the gym again" Luke laughed back.

Kirstie and Beau were in their own little conversation and Luke and I smirked at each other.

"So you excited for tonight?" he asked me.

"Not really, I don't want to go. I just can't be bothered with Jai trying to get back with me? He knows I still love him but.." I started, oh shit...I just told Luke I was still in love with Jai.

"Jessica, why don't you just get back with him. You both clearly are still in love with one another so just go for it" he looked at me.

"Luke he hurt me so much. I cant go through that pain again" I replied back as I lay my head on Luke's shoulder. We arrived at Luke's house and he ran in to the house to get his stuff leaving us in the car.

"Are you okay Jess?" Kirstie asked me. I nodded in response and just sat in silence while Beau and Kirstie flirted with each other. Luke came back out about ten minutes later and Beau drove us back to my house then he went back home to get the house ready for the party tonight.

When we got to mines, my mum was in. Shit, I thought.

"Jessica Williams! Why are you not at school" my mum shouted coming out to the hall. "Luke and Kirstie too? why are you lot not at school?" she asked us.

"Um..I..uhh.." I stuttered.

"I'm only joking, I know you have that party tonight, Mr Black phoned me, he sounded really angry. I really don't like that man" she laughed and Luke and Kirstie sighed in relief.

"We are going to get ready, love you mum" I said kissing her cheek and running up stairs and going in for a shower in my bathroom while Kirstie went into my mums shower room and Luke sat watching TV in my room.

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