Chapter 1

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Jessica's pov

It was Wednesday morning and I got up for school. It's only the start of the school year but it's my last year in school which is amazing. I got ready and said bye to my mum and left the house. I walked to the bus stop to find Kirstie was already there waiting on me. Kirstie is my best friend, we have been best friends since we were little and we just haven't parted yet.

"Hey girl" Kirstie smiled at me.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I slept in" I smiled back hugged her and sitting on the bench beside her. We sat waiting on the bus, it was late as usual but we didn't care, I mean it's only school what will we be missing. The bus came about fifteen minutes after it should have and we got on and spoke the whole bus journey.

We arrived at school half an hour late and the headteacher was waiting at the front door for all the late comers and told us to go to class immediately. I frowned at him and said bye to Kirstie and headed to English. I hated it as it was, but this was a double period and I sat next to my ex boyfriend. Jai fucking Brooks. He is in a group on youtube called the Janoskians, I hated him. No I didn't I was still in love with him but I couldn't let him know that. We had been going out for about a year and a half, we only broke up during the summer there because he cheated on me with some slut from the year above us.

I walked into class and the teacher looked at me, I swear he would kill me is he could.

"Jessie, why are you late?" Mr Burns asked me. I cringed at the way he called me Jessie.

"Sir, it's Jessica and the bus was late" I said to him.

"Not a good enough excuse" He sighed looking back down at his work.

"Well what is? That's what happened" I replied back.

"Go sit down and go to page 48 and just anser the questions" he looked at me.

"I didn't bring my book" I said to him.

"Well just go share with Jai then" he said and I sighed.

"Whatever" I went and sat down at my seat. I got out my jotter and realised I left my only pen in the house. Shit, I really need to start getting up earlier, I thought.

"Do you need this babe?" Jai smirked at me handing me a pen.

"Yeah I do actually" I said snatching it off of him. "And don't call me babe"

"You love it don't lie" he said looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. I swear he looks at me that way on purpose. I shook my head and started to write out the first question. "Oh, I'm having a party on Friday night because my mum's away out for the night with her friends, so Beau, Luke and I are having a party, you gonna come?" he asked me.

"I'd rather not" I smiled at him.

"Well come for Luke then, and bring Kirstie, I think Beau has a thing for her" he looked at me. Luke is his twin brother and we are really close, we are pratically brother and sister. Luke got really annoyed at Jai when he cheated on me. But Jai knows that I'll go to the party for Luke.

"Okay, I'll be there but don't try anything on me, I will punch you I hope you know that" I smiled sarcastically.

"Yeah, you say that now, but I'll just get you drunk and we'll see what you say then" he smirked at me.

"You're a dickhead aren't you" I play punched him.

"I've been told" he laughed and I laughed back. Uck he's just so beautiful, but he hurt me so fucking much when he slept with that tart. Jai and I are both 16, I'm a month younger than him.

I've only really had Jai as a boyfriend, I came to Melbourne two years ago from Scotland. My mum and dad got a divorce and my mum's way of dealing with it was to pack up all of our stuff and move here. I met Luke in school and he invited me back to his house where I met Jai and we just clicked. We started dating and we lasted for a long time. He took my virginity last year too, Jai had just turned 16 and I was still 15. I really thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with that boy but I was wrong I guess. I grew quite close with their mum Gina, she's so lovely and I actually went out for coffee with her the other day, I love how we haven't lost contact through the break up and stuff. She sort of took over the motherly figure in my life as I was always at their house but also because my mum had been away for the whole summer working in France.

The first bell went, but as it was a double period we had to stay for another hour.

"You can talk for ten minutes, take a break while I go and get these photocopied" Mr Burns said walking out the class. I put the pen down and sat up and pulled out my phone.

"You know how sorry I am don't you?" I heard Jai's voice say causing me to look up at him.

"Jai, don't please" I said looking down.

"No because you need to know that I truly am sorry" he said quietly

"You've told how sorry you are and that you love me, you obviously don't love me as much as you said did or you wouldn't have slept with that fucking slut" I said quite loudly causing a few people to turn around and look at us.

"Jess, I have said all I can, can we have a proper talk though?" he asked me.

"Jai, I'm not doing this in the middle of fucking class, give it a break and leave it okay?" I said to him looking back own at my phone.

"Whatever" he said standing up and walking out of class, he is such a drama queen. I just saw two girls coming running up to me.

"Oooo, what just happened?" Melissa and Kimberly asked me in unison. They are twi of those girls who pretend to be your friend, get all the gossip out of you and then go bitch with the rest of the group later.

"Nothing, he's just tired" I said, I don't know why I defended him, I guess I just didn't want a whole load of trouble.

"It didn't seem like nothing?" Melissa laughed at me.

"Well it was nothing" I said standing up grabbing my bag and walking out to go find Kirstie's Italian class. I knocked on the door and opened it up as Mrs Fendle was smiling at me. "Hi Miss, can I please borrow Kirstie, the headteacher wants her, I don't think she will be back this period so she needs to bring her bag" I lied to her.

"Okay, will I phone Mr Black, just to clear that up?" she smiled at me, shit.

"No, his phone's broken, you can trust me" I smiled at her and she nodded.

"Of course I can" she smiled back. "Well Kirstie, you better go and I'll see you tomorrow" she smiled and Kirstie smiled back at her and walked out with me and we went out the side door.

"What's up?" she asked me as we were walking through the gates heading back down the hill.

"Jai.." I sighed and she shook her head

"He's such a dick, what did he say this time?" she asked me

"He invited me to his party on Friday after school and then asked me to bring you too because he thinks Beau likes you" I said and her face just lit up.

"REALLY!" she shouted starting to get really excited, I laughed at her and kept walking. "Wait so why is that a bad thing?" she added on.

"Well it was fine until he told me how sorry he was and that usual shit he normally says" I sighed. "And then I said that he obviously didn't love me as much as he said he did because he went and slept with that girl, he got annoyed because I told him I wasn't having this conversation in the middle of class and he got up and walked out. Then Melissa and Kimberly came up to me and tried to find out what was happening so I walked out and came and got you" I said and she looked at me.

"Come on let's go in here and we can just go back to my house afterwards, I'll text Luke and tell him to leave at break aswell" she said as we walked into Starbucks.

"Can you not text Luke, can we just watch movies, just us two? I really don't want to see him, he reminds me too much of Jai" I looked down.

"Well that's probably because they are twins" she laughed at me, "but yeah that's fine" she smiled at me and we orfered our drinks and headed back to Kirstie's house and watched a few movies.

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