Chapter 4

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Jai's pov

It was 6am on Monday morning, my alarm went off and I threw a pillow over at Luke to wake him up and he moaned and turned.

"Wake up cunt" I shouted and walked out the room to go to the toilet. This weekend went for too quickly, Jessica still hadn't spoke to me or anything, but we have French first thing this morning. Great..

I got ready and Luke and Beau were downstairs eating breakfast.

"Hurry up and get food, we need to pick up Jess and Kirstie" Beau said as he stood up and got his jacket on and tied his shoes.

"For fuck sake" I rolled my eyes and picked up a bit of toast and bit into it. I got my bag and walked out to the car and tried to sit in the front but Beau told me to sit in the back so Kirstie could sit in the front. I got into the back and sat wishing nothing is too awkward today.

The whole car journey Luke, Jessica and I sat in the back while Beau and Kirstie flirted like crazy in the front. I just sat there wondering what she is thinking, I was wondering of she was even fucking sorry that she kissed Daniel. I mean he hardly remembered it the next morning and she was completely sober. We finally arrived and we went into school, we had Frenh first and of course Jess and I sit beside each other in that class too. I really couldn't be bothered with this.

We got out the car as Beau parked and I put in both my headphones and walked up to school. I heard Jessica shout my name but I just kept walking, all I felt was a tap on my shoulder and I turned and saw her standing there with her shy smile.

"Mr Black is going to go off his nut" she said laughing as we started walking together. "This is ridiculous and just annoying, can you please just talk to me?"

"And say what?" I turned and asked her.

"I....I don't know" she replied looking down, I'm not going to lie, it hurt seeing her like that, but she hurt me like I hurt her. We are just as bad as each other. We walked into the gates as I turned to see Beau, Luke and Kirsie weren't there, I went to tell Jessica to run for it as I thought the others were just going to skip classes but Mr Black had already saw us. I looked at the time and we were 25 minutes late, I seriously don't even know how we are so late all the time.

"Jessica and Jai, my office right now" Mr Black shouted as we walked in the main door. We both sighed and walked in to his office and sat down with him coming at our backs.

"This is outrageous, you two are pushing the boundaries too much now, this is the final straw" he shouted as he stood in front of us. "And Jessica pull down that skirt, you look like some kind of stripper"

"Excuse me?" she said standing up.

"I said pull it down" he shouted in her face.

"Sir, stop it. You can't talk to pupils like that!" I said pushing Jessica behind me.

"Get out my sight" he shouted and we walked out the office and I could tell Jess was really upset.

"Thanks for sticking up for me" she smiled slightly at me.

"It's fine" I replied back bluntly and walked into our class as Mrs Fendle was talking to everyone and he stopped and looked at us both.

"Why are you both late?" she asked us.

"We just are" I said and sat down with Jess following after me. I saw Luke and Kirstie sitting beside James, I guessed they just went in the back door. "I was just telling the class about a trip we are taking to Paris next month, it's short notice but there is spare places from the year above and I thought this class was the best option" she smiled.

I looked over at Jessica at the same time she looked at me. Jess has always wanted to go there, while we were dating, I promised her that I would take her there at some point, it was always a dream of ours to go there together. She smiled at me awkwardly but I just turned my head back to Mrs Fendle.

"We will be staying with schools from all over the world in a hotel and it is ages 15-18, so we need to be on our best behaviour to represent the school. Remember that okay? So put your hands up if you want a form and you need to hand in the deposit by the end of the week" she finished off and I looked over at Luke and James and they nodded at me, Beau was going to this aswell so it would be good. I put up my hand and so did Jess, I really hope everything is sorted by then.

I got the form and the bell went, Luke, Beau, James, Kirstie, Jess and I all went to the cafeteria and we sat at our table.

"So are we all going to Paris then?" James smiled.

"Yup, that should be okay with my mum" Jess replied.

"I don't know if mum will be able to pay for all three of us" Luke looked at us.

"Well we could ask Nonna and Nonno?" I suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea" Beau replied.


Beau, Luke and I were sat on the couch and mum was on the other couch.

"Is there any chance you would be able to let us go to Paris?" Beau smiled.

"What do you mean?" she looked at him.

"It's a school trip, we all really want to go, I would promise you were will help out around the house with chores and stuff but we all know that won't happen" Beau added in. Luke hit him, we are trying to get on her good side, he's an idiot, I thought.

"Well, I guess it's possible, but be on your best behaviour boys and I mean it okay?" she looked at all of us being stern.

"Promise" we all replied in unison and we all got up and went to our rooms. I got out my phone and text Jess.

To Jess:

Spoke to mum, she said yes. Looks like we will go to Paris together after all :) x

I smiled as I got an almost instant reply.

From Jess

Roll on Paris next month :) x

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