Books are boring >:( -Logicality

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Patton lay on the couch, his head on his boyfriend Logan's shoulder. Thoughts chased each other through his mind, before it settled for a fraction of a second longer on Logan, as it so often did.

He looked up at Logan, whose eyes were glued to a thick paperback book.


Logan didn't look up from his book.

"Logan, my love,"


"Logaaaaaan," he whined.

Still nothing. Patton decided to lay his head in Logan's lap.

Logan sighed, and reluctantly closed his book.

"Yes Patton?"



Logan looked down at Patton. Patton smiled up at Logan, sat up, and settled himself in Logan's lap, facing him.

"You seem to be acting more affectionate than usual." Logan observed.

"Surely I'm more interesting than a book, Logie,"

"However, this particular book is much more interesting than-" Logan's distraction came in the shape of Patton's lips on his own. His eyes closed behind his glasses as he kissed back.

Patton pulled back, grinning at his blushing boyfriend.

"What were you saying, Lo? Surely that was more fun than reading,"

"Okay, I admit that was more enjoyable than reading, but I believe I could do it better!"

Patton raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a challenge, Logan?"


Logan lifted Patton's chin with a finger, and leant forward to kiss him again.

Neither Patton nor Logan heard the door creak open as Virgil and Roman entered the room. Nor did Patton try to stop them from breaking into Logan's secret stash of Crofters from the cabinet with a false back. No, he, Patton, was quite happy kissing his boyfriend, thanks very much.

He did eventually go retrieve Logan's Crofters from Virgil and Roman, and thankfully only one jar had been consumed by the now giggling pair.

That night, Logan wandered into Patton's room while everyone was sleeping.

He knelt down, and gave Patton a kiss on the nose.

"Goodnight Patton,"

He turned to leave.

"Logan?" A sleepy-voiced Patton spoke.

"My apologies Patton, I did not mean to wake you..." Logan said, approaching Patton who was now sitting up in his bed.

"No, I was awake, just had my eyes closed was all," Patton replied, still sounding exhausted.

"Patton, I love you, but you really do need to rest now."

"You... you..."

"What is it, Patton?"

"You said you love me!"

"I did."

"Aww Lo!!" Patton pulled Logan in for a short, yet sweet kiss. Logan sighed and tugged the blanket further up Patton's body.

"Now, you really must sleep, Patton." Logan said, turning to leave again.

"Promise me you'll sleep too. No over-working yourself tonight." Patton said, reproachfully.

"I promise,"

"Goodnight, Logan!"

"Goodnight Patton, sleep well,"

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