Back to School

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~Two weeks has passed~

At last! Back to school!

Aisshh... I miss her company already..😳

Ya Lisa!!!

No! control yourself! Just continue what you're doing.

You're doing good!

I went downstairs and look for Jennie.

hmmm, where is she?

I went to the kitchen and see a note on the fridge.

"Breakfast is cooked", just eat. Don't be late to school. I'll go ahead and I'll use my own car.

She stills care about me, I'm really sorry unnie.
I'm so stupid! But what should I do?

Ugggh..It's really killing me. I hate this feeling.

Of all people..why her?"😖😵😖😵

I get ready and went to school.

I arrived at school and saw Rosè at the parking lot.

Hey chipmunk!

Hey monkey! Long time no see! (Notice J is not with L)

Where's J unnie?

mmm..she's already here.

Wae? did you two fight again? (Pretending not to know anything) *Rose knows everything about the situation since Jennie spended her two weeks with Chaesoo ranting about her love issues*.

I didn't answer Rosè, lets go to our room.

Hey, *Rosè pull my arms* Just let me know if you need someone to talk to. Okay?

I just nodded to her and smile.

We arrived at the room and I sit beside Rosé and not with Jennie.

Our teacher came in.

Ok class, welcome back! Did you enjoy your vacation?

Ne! we replied to him in unison.

Before I start the lesson. I would like to ask if anyone is interested to join the dance class.

Ya! monkey lets join the club.


I will leave the form at the bulletin board. Just sign in there if you're interested.

After the class..

Rose goes to the board (write her name and Ls name too)😀

There! You don't have a choice monkey!😁

~The next day~

Mr.Yoo enter the room and announce the names of the student who joined the dance club.

Rosé, Lisa, Tzuyu, Bambam and Kai see you at the practice later.

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