Chapter 2

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Today's the day.

I leap out of bed as soon as my alarm clock rings, and I slam an excited fist against the snooze button. The ringing dies immediately, and I hop out of bed with a buzzing energy that's been building up for weeks now. It's a good thing Mom didn't barge into my room to wake me up, I'm not wearing any clothes right now.

Beat that, nude freak.

I wander over to my closet and pull out a pair of underwear, just so then I can have everything covered. I hop back to the foot of my bed, where there's a set of clothes already waiting for me.

My jittery nerves won't calm down, I'm much too excited to even think about calming down.

As I toss my already-packed duffel bags onto my bed, I throw on the clothes. I don't usually pick out my attire, but a cool looking green t-shirt with Smokey the Bear on it and some black shorts is as coordinated as I got today. And as I slip on some hiking boots, I attempt to straighten out my poofy yet animalistic hair.

Hehe, animal.

As soon as I've conveniently collapsed onto the floor because I was too quick to put on my boots, someone calls my name from downstairs. "Timmy, are you up yet?"

I stifle a laugh. "Yep! Almost ready!"

I swear that I hear her say something else, but it's too quiet for me to hear. Once I've pretty much gotten myself together, I haul the duffel bags on my bed onto my shoulders, and walk downstairs into the living room.

My mom already has breakfast made and ready, and my sisters are taking advantage of the bacon. "Hey!" I playfully yell as I plop down on one of the vacant chairs in the kitchen. "Save some for me!"

The twins, of course, don't really respond. They just really like stuffing their face, in all honesty. I mean, I like stuffing my face too, I do it a lot too! I'm not really a picky eater anyway, as long and it's a bonus if it's nice and juicy meat - wait, no, that sounds wrong. Not that I wouldn't... okay, never mind.

"We still have some time before you're supposed to be dropped off, so I made breakfast," Mom chuckles, and sits a plate down in front of me. I dig in immediately. "I know you've been excited ever since you signed up for it."

I laugh, if it was possible to laugh with a mouth full of egg and bacon. "Yep! I've waited three months for this, and I'm gonna make it the best first day yet!"

One of the twins smirks, and whispers, "As if he could actually sit still long enough to make it any better."

The other twin snorts their glass of orange juice through her nose, and the two bust out laughing.

Very funny.

Anyway, after that, there wasn't much to breakfast. After breakfast was where the action came. Mom, after putting the dishes away, got the car started as I loaded my bags. It didn't take long, considering my boundless energy, and within a few minutes we were on the road.

I called shotgun, gladly, and watched out the window as we sped by forest after forest. For the most part, that's all it was. Just greenery, not that I didn't mind that. I knew that I would be surrounded by greenery for a while, so I might as well get used to it now.

Besides, looking outside was just one more reason to ignore the constant blaring of pop music in the car, which was a better incentive than listening to rappers talk about inappropriate stuff all the time.

For hours on end, that's what it felt like. Passing fields of crops, cars whizzing by, the twins screeching to the catchiest pop songs on the radio. The feeling of the wind on my face, blowing my hair in the breeze. The fresh scent of the world, right there in front of you.

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