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"Okay wow, you could've told us you were rich," jack said jokingly as they walked through the door and into Daniel's house.

Daniel just laughed.

"Hey dad I'm home! Brought some friends with me" Daniel said, praying they could play this whole dad/son thing off so people believed them.

"Hi D-Elijah! It's fine, I'm gonna do some grocery shopping so I won't be home anyway" Claus said as he walked into the room where Daniel and the rest were.

"It's nice to meet you guys, but I better get going, there's snacks in the kitchen, eat as much as you guys want" and with that said Claus walked out of the door after shaking everyone's hands.

"Free snacks? I won't say no to that" Zach said.

Daniel laughed while walking into the kitchen.

"Well take what you guys want, and then we can watch a movie of something" they all smiled before taking Oreos, chips, soda, sweets, chocolate. And every other form for candy.

Daniel shook his head while smiling as they walked into the living room with arms full of candy.

"This is almost like a cinema," Tate said.

"Sure you're not famous dude?" Jonah asked again.

"100 percent" lies.

"Let's watch Spider-Man homecoming- Tom Holland is so hot!" Gabbie said, almost everyone agreed with her, so they just ended up watching that movie.

Daniel placed his butt in the seat beside Corbyn, and carefully leaned a bit up against him, and when Corbyn didn't do anything Daniel, just took it as if it was okay, and stayed in that position for the rest of the movie.

a few minutes after the movie was done, Claus came home.

"Who wants pizza?" He had said, and that was when the chaos started, imagine 8 teenagers fighting over pizza, not a pretty sight. .

"I'm so full," Jonah said when they were done, as he laid a hand over his stomach.

"Me too," Tate said.

"Me three" and it continued like that, all of them had probably eaten way more pizza than they should, and considering they all ate a lot of candy before that, things weren't all that well for either of them right now.

"It's really late, so I'm guessing you guys are crashing tonight?" Claus said as he walked into the room.

"I guess, but what about our uniforms?" Jack asked.

"Oh I'll handle that," Claus said, "-now please go complain in Elijah's room instead of the living room."

"Okay okay, dad," Daniel said as he slowly stood up, immediately getting nauseous.

"Well, we're probably gonna grab some buckets on the way, don't want puke in my room"

They all nodded.

"Welcome to my crib" Daniel said as they entered his room.


"I know, yikes"

Daniel's room quite is huge, but there's not really anything personal about it, since he's gonna live there for like 3 months more anyway he didn't bother to personalize it. I was scary to think about the fact that he only had 4 months with his friends, and now there's only 3 left, also the fact that Daniel was turning 18 in a few weeks is scaring him, Daniel hates getting older.

"It's huge" Zach said as he kept on looking around.

"That's what she said" Jonah jokes while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Stop, just stop," Tate said, as she laid down on one of the mattresses, the others soon did the same thing, leaving only Daniel and Corbyn the only ones left without a mattress (A/n Oh wHAT A CoinciDenCE, DiDnt seE thAt OnE ComiNG)

"Guess we're gonna have to share Corbyn," said Daniel with a jokingly wink.

"Keep your hands to yourself, babe," Corbyn replied, sending a wink back.

"Mhm that's gonna be hard"

"Just like his dick," Jonah said.

"Oh my god stop Jonah," tate said and slapped Jonah lightly on his arm.

"I'm joking I'm joking," Jonah said with a laugh.

"Please don't fuck while we're in here," Jack said tiredly while buttoning down his shirt.

"Yikes, anyways if you want you can go change in the bathroom," Daniel said while buttoning down his shirt as well.

"We're gonna do that," Christina said while walking to the bathroom with the other girls.

"Anyways if you need any form of clothing, just take something from my closet," Daniel said, he was honestly so tired and just wanted to go to bed. But since there's other people he walked over and put some sweatpants on, meanwhile tossing some sweatpants to the other guys.

"Can you send some shirts in here?" Someone yelled from the bathroom.

"I'll do it" yelled Corbyn back. He snatched some shirts from Daniel's closet, trying to find something which wasn't from an expensive brand, but failing miserable. With a sigh Corbyn just ended up selecting some random shirts, handing them over to the girls.
A few minutes later the girls were finally done.

Daniel had his back to the bathroom as the girls walked out of the bathroom.

"You have a tattoo, Elijah?" Gabbie asked curiously.

"Wait he has a tattoo?" Zach exclaimed.

"Yeah, what does it say?" Gabbie asked stepping a bit closer.

"Rule with kindness? What does that mean?" Corbyn asked curiously, as he slowly grazed a finger over the tattoo on Daniel's back, which made Daniel shudder.

"Oh, it's uh... just something I've been told my mother used to say" which wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.


don't really like this, but uh here u go. (also it's unedited once again oops)

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