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"Okay kids stand in a line please, is everyone here?" Jonah said as a joke, which made the others laugh.

"Oh shut up dad," Daniel said laughing while he playfully slapped Jonah's shoulder, Jonah just laughed at that, and threw his arm over Daniel's shoulder, using other his hand to mess up Daniel's hair.

"Oh wow, I haven't noticed until now that your natural hair is so dark," Jonah said with a laugh, as he finally let go of Daniel.

Daniel just shrugged his shoulders, not very comfortable with talking about his natural hair.

"I need to get it re-dyed, it's been a while since the last time"

"Same" Corbyn said with a small smile.

"It's been pretty hectic lately if you guys haven't noticed" Daniel exclaimed, and the others just laughed.

"Trust me, Elijah, we've all noticed that the finals have been pretty hectic. ( a/n I have no idea how finals work anywhere besides Denmark, so yeah just go with the flow.)

"I can't believe that there are only like 3 weeks until we graduate, I can't wait!" Gabbie said with a big smile, and everyone nodded their head talking about how cool it was gonna be to finally continue from high school.

and while the others were having fun, Daniel felt like something was weighing down on his heart, he couldn't get the images and thoughts out of his head of how disappointed his friends were gonna be when they realized everything.

"Helloooo earth to Elijah, is anyone home?" Daniel's thoughts were interrupted, and only just then did he notice the hand waving in front of his face.

"I'm sorry what?" Daniel apologized.

"Are you looking forward to graduation?" Christina asked Daniel, who just stared at her, not sure what to say.

"Of course" Daniel answered but everyone who knew him well enough would be able to tell that he was lying, and little did Daniel know that Corbyn did notice those little things.

Corbyn scrunched his nose in confusion, why wouldn't he be looking forward to graduating? he ended up just shrugged it off as nothing, but still being determined to talk to Elijah about it later, Corbyn needed to make sure that his friend was okay.

"Anyways, should we leave? We can't stand here all day, can we?" Corbyn asked trying to change the focus from graduation to something else.

Daniel let out an eased sigh, that was close.

"Yeah let's go," Daniel said as he took his car keys out of his pocket.

"Can I drive?" Zach asked mostly as a joke.

"Do you even have a license?" Daniel asked with a laugh.

"Licenses are overrated" Zach replied, with a shrug and a smile on his lips.

"Get your ass in the car"

"Well it was worth a try" Zach exclaimed with a laugh, as he got into the car.

"Does everyone have their seatbelts on?" Daniel asked looking at the mirror so he could see his friends.

"Seatbelts are overrated"

"I don't care Zach, as long as your driving in my car you gotta have a seat belt on."

"Yes sir"

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?" Zach pressed on, realizing that he had hit a nerve.

"Just- don't."

"Does it turn you on? Ohmygod! You have a sir-kink. Remember that Corbyn."

"I do not have a sir-kink," Daniel said gripping his steering wheel a little tighter.

"Why can't I call you sir then?"

"Just don't call me sir please."

"Give me a reason"

"I just don't like it."

"Why do I feel like you're lying."

"Zach, just stop. Respect his boundaries." Corbyn said as he noticed the way Daniel was gripping the steering wheel way tighter than what was needed. Corbyn didn't feel like crashing and dying today, just because Zach can't keep his mouth shut.

The rest of the drive was awkwardly quiet, nobody dared to say anything.


hello! i love all of u

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