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"Okay so all of you may be wondering as to why I asked you to come here, so let me tell you. You guys are graduating very soon, and therefore I wanted to talk a bit about something happening at the graduation, cause the thing is, that this year some VERY special people are attending, I can't tell you who they are yet- but with that said, I would like to ask you guys to be on your best behavior that day, I don't want to see any pranks, and I especially do not want to hear anything inappropriate from any of you." Mr. Greenburg looked over at Daniel, and Daniel immediately realized that the special people they were talking about is his dad and him.

"Also, Mr. Elijah Walsh, please stay here, other than that all of you are free to go." Daniel sighed, now he would have to come up with something stupid to his friends, about as to why he may have to stay here.

"Soo what have you done?" Zach asked, daniel just shrugged his shoulders.

"No idea, but yeah I'll tell you later. Bye guys" Daniel used Zach's knees as support while he raised himself up from the cold hard bench stair thingy. He ruffled Zach's hair before walking over to Mr. Greenburg, Daniel laughed as he heard Zach yelling about how Daniel had messed his hair up.

"Don't worry you still look, handsome babe!" Daniel yelled back and laughed, Zach really wasn't happy with him right now.

"Hello, your highness."

"You can just call me Daniel I don't really care."

"I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that" Mr. Greenburg answered honestly.

"Oh well, what did you want to talk to me about?" Daniel asked feeling hungry, and he knew that right now he was wasting his lunch break.

"Just wanted to tell you that you're gonna have to hold a speech at graduation, at this school we always have the one with the best gpa hold a speech, and that's you. But also because I'd expect you to hold a speech anyway, about why you're here and all that stuff after your identity has been revealed. But yeah, only if you're comfortable with doing it." He explained, Daniel just nodded.

"Uh sure, I'm gonna have to explain myself to people anyway, so why not do them all at once."

"So that's a yes?"


"Ahh, I knew I could count on you, Mr. Seavey. You can go back to your friends now."

Daniel just nodded and sent a small smile Mr. greenburg's way before making his way to the canteen.


Sorry about the lack of updates, but school is really trying to drown me in homework rn. my fall break starts Friday next week, and I'll try to write as much as I can doing that week.

I love you all, thank you for all the support and positivity you've shown this story. <3

Also hi this is once again unedited and written at 12:30 am, soo yeah love that for me.

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