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The trees were made of bones and teeth. In the moonlight, they glowed white.

Shadows coalesced between them in strange shapes; some long and thin, others small and round and flat. There was movement inside them, undulations in the darkness. You couldn't see what was causing it. You couldn't see anything at all.

Just dark hollows and the glint of bone and teeth.

The air was heavy with the smell of old blood. Dark and bitter, like dried rust on the ground. It was all around you, soaking through the earth and crawling along your skin like worms. Blood. On your hands and on your arms. On your face and in your mouth.

When you tried to scream, nothing came out but air and shadows and more blood, dripping down your chin like glistening red jewels. Your teeth were rootless cavities and the trees were your bones.

A voice whispered in your ear.

A voice that belonged below the earth and in the trees, where the dead things hid, where the bones rattled and the teeth were like thorns, hungry, so hungry.

Don't leave me here.

Please don't leave me in the dark.

Come back. Please come back.

You twisted round, trying to see him. The sad, lonely boy you lost in the forest of bones. But he wasn't there. There was nothing there but darnkess. 

And then they came. A storm of ink and feathers and sharp beaks, snapping at your face, wings beating your head and thrashing against your chest, clawing to get inside.

The crows attacked with maddening fury, pecking and snapping and digging blood-soaked talons into your body.

Please come back...

You snapped awake to a sharp thud against the door. Jolting up, bleary-eyed, you tried to shake away the feeling of feathers and blood on your skin, trying to remember where you were-

Not in the forest, with the bones and the teeth and crows.

"[L/N]-San? Are you awake yet?" A voice called, tentative and barely audible through the door. "It's almost eight-thirty."

"Yeah, Yachi-Chan. I'm awake," you called back, dragging your hands through your hair to untangle the knots. "Damn dreams." You threw back the covers, kicking them away from you as you tried to force the horrible images from your head. Your back was damp with sweat, and you fumbled over to the window to let some fresh air into the room. Leaning against the glass, you watched a flurry of pigeons lift off from the opposite rooftop, taking to the air with soft beats of their ash-grey wings.

Already feeling calmer, you changed into something smart but casual, and headed downstairs to find Yachi, your flatmate, hovering by the breakfast table. She had already prepared a small bowl of rice and grilled fish.

"Ah, Yachi-Chan," you said, grinning at her as you took the seat she'd pulled out for you. "This smells delicious."

"I thought it would make things easier for you," she said, pulling nervously at her hair as you chewed on a mouthful of rice with an eye on your watch. "I know you don't have much time to prepare a decent meal before you head to work, and you should always start the day off with a full stomach."

"You sound just like my mother," you teased. "Really, I'm grateful though."

You washed down the last mouthful of rice with a sip of tea, pushing back your chair. "I promise I'll cook for you tonight. If it's still open, I might pick up something fresh from the market on my way home."

Yachi nodded, nursing her own cup of tea as you dumped the dishes in the sink, glancing at your wristwatch again. "I'm sorry, I really need to go. Leave the dishes. I'll do them when I get back."

You grabbed your coat and camera and slipped into your shoes as you were unlocking the door. "See you later!" You called over your shoulder.

"Have a good day!"

You accidentally let the door slam behind you, grimacing as you half-ran, half-stumbled down the flight of stairs and out into the fresh October morning.

There was already traffic on the streets, and reams of the autumnal sun blinked hazily from the rooftops, warming the back of your neck. It was turning out to be a mild day, but the memory of last night's dreams had cast a shadow of unease over the morning, and you supressed an involuntary shudder as you made your way to the bus station.

The crow was watching you from the rooftop, its glassy black eyes tracking your movements as you jogged breathlessly up to the office building and pushed through the heavy doors.

Chikara Ennoshita, the front door receptionist, smiled at you over his computer monitor as you entered the lobby, dabbing the sweat from your forehead. "Morning, [L/N]-San," he said, his fingers still tapping away at the keyboard. He cast a glance over your harried appearance, but said nothing. "Daichi-San's waiting for you upstairs."

"Thanks, Enno-San," you said, flashing him a small smile before taking the stairs two at a time. "I hope he woke up on the right side of the bed today," you muttered, knowing how strict your partner could be when you were late to work. 

Reaching the top step, you paused to tuck back your hair and make sure your cheeks weren't too flushed before shouldering through the door to the first office.

Two grim faces met yours, and a shiver of disconcertment trickled down your back. 

"M-morning Daichi-San. Ukai-Sama," you said, addressing each of them in turn; your partner and your boss. Both watched you with solemn expressions.

"Morning [L/N]-San."

"I'm very sorry about my timing. I didn't-"

"No matter," Ukai interrupted, waving you off. "We have a new story for you."

Your eyes widened, and you tentatively stepped further into the room. "A new story?" You hadn't been assigned a story in over a week, spending most of your time posted in other offices as a stand-in photographer. 

"I'll let Daichi fill you in," Ukai said, tapping his watch. "I have a meeting with the editorial staff. Let me know how you get on."

Ukai nodded at you before taking his leave, leaving you and Daichi alone in the small office. You shrugged off your coat, feeling a bead of sweat gather under the collar of your shirt, and folded it over the back of your chair. "So, what's the story?"

Daichi stayed quiet, and when you looked at him, you noticed the solemn expression hadn't left his face. There was a shadow lingering around the grim set of his mouth, and he was evading your gaze.

"Daichi-San?" You peered forward, trying to catch his eye, but he squinted down at his feet.

"I already told Ukai it's not a good idea."

"What isn't? What's the story?"

Daichi swallowed, and the words he said next made the blood drain suddenly from your face.

"The Forest of Crows."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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