imagine; yoongi likes to eat

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imagine... yoongi likes to eat.

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"Nom!" Yoongi smiled as he ate yet another chocolate button

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"Nom!" Yoongi smiled as he ate yet another chocolate button. You had cut them up into even smaller chunks than you already had done for him, he refused to "choke on a giant chocolate death trap" so you were left with no choice.

He was sitting on his little blue plastic chair, a table to match, where tiny crumbs currently lay as evidence of the long forgotten treat. His legs were swinging back and forth as he hummed quietly awaiting his next snack. Eating was one of his favourite things to do and once he was finished with his own food, yours was the next target.

You could feel his eyes on you as you ate your last few chocolate buttons. He coughed, an attempt to get your attention. He found that this usually worked, and so decided to cough a little louder, with no result.

You knew he wanted one of your buttons, if the coughing wasn't enough, him dangling off your hand certainly was. You have no clue how he got there in the first place, yet there he was, mouth open ready for a bite.

"Yoongi!" You exclaimed as you placed him back on the table, though he was not impressed and made sure you knew that by stomping his feet as he made his way back to his chair.

It was now tea time, a couple of hours felt like a lifetime to yoongi when he was hungry. He had his own little plate but of course that wasn't enough, he hadn't even finished his own and his eyes were already on your plate. Pretending you hadn't seen him, you continued to eat, making extra noises of delight just to annoy him.

"Pudding time!" Yoongi exclaimed as you brought in the bowls of custard. Yoongi dug in, custard running down his chin as he smiled up at you. His eyes were once again glued to your food, however this time he had no shame and made sure it was clear what he was up to.

"Y/N what's that?!" He exclaimed pointing behind you.

Next thing you knew

He was in your bowl.

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