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- i woke up and the sun wasn't shining. i checked my phone and it was only 4 in the morning. since i was up i couldn't go back to sleep very easily so i decided to stay up. it's only 2 in L.A, maybe i should try calling malachi ..
  he didn't pick up. but he left a message , "don't talk to me" i read. my heart broke . i miss him more than anything, not on that incest bullshit. i want dad to fly him out here but he probably won't . i don't even know why i'm out here, whether it was all through Ben or through my dad.. or maybe they have an alliance going on that i don't know of. that would suck.. my dad choosing to work with that prick . oh well what can i do about it? that's right , nothing. all i can do is wallow in self pity and reminisce about the past . nothing will be the same , even if i go back to L.A even if i stay here and malachi suddenly shows up one day. things won't be the same as they were, i broke his trust when i wasn't even trying or in the wrong.. i wish he wasn't so gullible.
— i wake up again, only to sunlight this time. the curtains have a slight crack in them letting a ray into my room . i squint my eyes and check what time it is. 10:46 ?! i have school .. i don't want to go. jarad and jahseh are probably gonna be there though and they're the only "friends" i have here. so i get up and go to my closet , picking out a slip knot shirt and some ripped jeans paired with my black airforces. today was one of THOSE days i thought to myself. i looked in the mirror at the mess of my hair, i grabbed a brush and began to fight it. eventually i had it all brushed and i decided to straighten it , after i straightened it i went downstairs , grabbing my backpack on the way down. "hey mandy??" i slightly yelled. she appeared from out of the kitchen . "kobal!" she exclaimed with a little too much excitement. "yea..hi mandy, do you have any bandaids?" i asked her. she nodded and went into the bathroom grabbing a few. "what do you need these for?" she asked while handing them to me. "oh i burned myself a couple times" i responded, her eyes widened, "what?? how ? are you okay?" she began to ask while taking my arm in her hands and observing it . "y-yes i'm fine it's just from the hair straightener" i said while pointing to my hair. she coughed, "ohh.." she said while going into the kitchen . god i hope she wasn't bringing me MORE food , i never ate this much back in L.A i don't even think i could . but then she brought me food anyways. "here, sit." she said while placing an omelette in front of me along with a fork and knife. "thanks mandy." i trailed off as i began to eat it, it wasn't bad but i couldn't stomach this much food. i shoved it all down my throat and smiled as i swallowed it . "did you like it?" she asked, "yes ." i responded while giving her an awkward side hug. she smiled "good". "now you ready to go to school? i can excuse all of your absences , your father wouldn't want to find out you're a truant" she said. i nodded, "yeah, thanks mom- mandy" i stuttered. she brushed it off and grabbed the keys off the wall, "alright let's head out" she said .
— the ride there was fun, we listened to a lot of throw backs and sang along to almost all of them. this is fun, i thought to myself as we pulled up to the school. automatically i saw jarad and jahseh at smokers corner and rolled my eyes. mandy parked in the parking lot and we headed inside. the office lady greeted us. "hi how can i help you?" she asked. "this is a school not a fucking mcdonald's" i mumbled to myself. mandy elbowed me and slightly laughed. "ah yes i'm dropping my uhh daughter off, her name is Luminosity Kobal Drecona, she missed the first half of the day, she was sick but decided to come in, here's a doctors note" she said as she handed the lady a piece of paper. the lady put it in files and handed me a slip, "you're at lunch now but after lunch go see your teachers for missing work and GO TO CLASS." she said as she smiled at me. i gave her an awkward grin and took the slip from her. "yea uh thanks" i said as i turned to mandy, "thank you" i said, she nodded and hugged me, "see you at home" .
— since it was my lunch break i decided to walk outside to the courtyard, that's when i saw jahseh. i looked away in a different direction. i sat down on a bench and looked at my phone as it dinged . "i know you saw me Drecona , come over here" i read from jahsehs contact. i rolled my eyes and got up , meeting him in the center of the courtyard . "what's up?" he asked me. i shrugged "nothing i guess" he sighed, "don't lie to me" he said as Jarad popped up out of nowhere, "hey kumi" he said with a smirk. i shook my head and walked away from both of them. "Aye drecona where you going??" jahseh said in a slightly loud voice. i turned around to him and shrugged as i turned back around and walked away. i went back to spot where i was sitting before and i sighed to myself as i pulled my phone out of my pocket.
after lunch had ended i went to my 6th block. i hadn't been here the previous day so i obviously didn't know anything about shit in this class. the teacher and i met each other's gaze and i sat in the way back of the classroom where the windows were. i stared out the window as the teacher stood at the front of the classroom giving the class a lecture on some chemistry related shit. i felt my eyes become droopy but i shook my head to ease off the sleepiness. "hey" i heard a voice from behind me, a girl . i turned to face her, "hi?" i said in an awkward voice. she nodded , "so are you and jahseh a thing" she asked me. i shook my head no , "why?" i asked . she looked down at her desk and texted someone before responding, "no reason" she said as she turned back around. i scoffed it off and put my head down. i listened to the teacher go on and on about the same thing for the next 50 or so minutes . After that class i decided i was done for the day. my 7th block was nothing but an elective anyways. i walked off campus into a small alley looking area . i saw people circling around two girls after i got across the street. they were going to fight . i decided to avoid the crowd and turned to walk down to the light at the corner.
— 30 minutes later—
at this point i'd walked a few blocks over. i found a little café , but i decided not to go in. i walked until i found a park. i sat underneath one of the trees, i was overheating but i refused to take my hoodie off, doing so wouldn't benefit me, it would just strengthen my insecurities. i laid down for a few minutes and just stared at the sky. the clouds were so pretty, but the more i looked at them , the more it reminded me of the day i was forced to fly out here .. i sighed and sat up , pulling my phone out of my pocket and checking my texts. i had multiple from both jahseh and jarad. all consisting of their "concern" for me and where i am. i left jarad on read because i was still kind of upset at him and the whole situation with that bitch who probably fucked her way into the gang to begin with. i know it isn't my place to be upset but i guess i just got attached too fast, not to mention, i got threatened by sOnEiK. but i had no reason to be bothered about jahseh.. at least, in my opinion. so i texted him back.

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