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- kobal -
it's 8:45 am. i'm late for school, again. but i should probably go anyways. for the sake of seeing jahseh. not that i like him or anything, just because he's really my only friend or "aquatince" but like i don't know. i'm gonna take a shower before i leave though .
after my shower i got dressed and got all my things . i walked down the stairs and met mandy. "g-good morning" i stuttered, she smiled, "good morning kobal" i smiled back and nodded, "i'm sorry i woke up late" "it's okay kobal, if you're hungry i cut you some fresh fruit and i made some waffles this morning" i nodded "okay, thank you.." she smiled; "let me know when you're ready to leave for school" i nodded again, "okay." — i spent the next few minutes eating strawberries and pineapple, then i washed my hands and decided i was ready for school. it was already 10:37 ; ah i get to go to gym right when i get to school , great. i frowned as i shuffled into the living room to tell mandy i was ready, "okay .. let's go" — during the car ride mandy played some good music and i just vibed, looking out my window, until she pulled into the school parking lot. "are you doing okay?" mandy asked me. i didn't know what to say to that, i feel like getting the fact that i made out with jahseh off of my chest, but i also didn't want her to say something to my father and risk jahseh getting hurt or killed . i cleared my throat; "uhh yea, i'm fine aheh" i responded before getting out of the car, after i closed the door mandy rolled down the window "okay, if you say so, have a good half day at school, text me and let me know who you're with after school" i nodded "will do, thank you mandy" i said as i turned and walked towards the front door of the school . as soon as i saw mandy drive away i went around to the back of the school where they had some bleachers , i sat on them because they were far enough from the school that i wouldn't get caught ditching. i have terrible attendance but oh well, i didn't ask to be here anyways. i sat there and just stared at the sky, i got lost in my thoughts. i miss my brother; no homo i'm not from alabama. but it's just the fact that he was the only person i could ever truly count on , especially growing up. my parents weren't a very prominent part of my life when i was growing up. especially after my dad just up and left and now all of a sudden the tables turned and i was the one who left. i guess i really am my father's daughter . i feel bad about malachi, not to mention my friend group, but nobody has texted me as far as friends are concerned, just malachi, but he's mad at me. my mom doesn't seem to worried either, but i'm not surprised , im sure all the botox and cocaine is starting to get to her . that's none of my business though . i don't know how to feel about jahseh OR jarad. i feel weird on the jarad part because of SoNiEk but he was the first person i met when i got here. but jahseh has been more consistent with me. i don't know why i'm so concerned, i've only been here a few weeks, and a kiss or two means nothing... especially at this age . but considering i've only had one boyfriend my entire life says something about the type of person i am. either way, i just hope things don't all go to shit, i don't know how to deal with my father and i don't know how much tea i can spill to mandy before she goes and tells on me. i'm pretty sure my dad is a kingpin; it doesn't surprise me though, my mom was and probably still is a huge coke head. and since i've met jahseh and all the gun shit went down, and the meetings of 26+ guys every night at my house, it all adds up, to me anyways. all i know is i don't want to like jahseh, i don't want to like jarad, i don't want to feel romantic feelings period, but i know that you don't get to choose who you love. i'm only 16, why am i rushing into things to begin with. i'll just take my time, being friends ..
well lunch just started, since i don't eat outside of my house i obviously didn't go inside for food , but i did like my 5th block.. sort of. i went inside for that . i stood in the cafeteria waiting for a break in the line so i could walk past all these hoes , but it's so crowded up in this bitch that i'm feeling claustrophobic. at this point i'm just like fuck it and i go out the closest door to me and i go out into the courtyard. i find an empty little picnic table and sit my happy ass down. i put my hoodie on and pulled up my hood and tied the strings so that i could lay down on my arms. i laid there for a few minutes until i felt the table slightly shift and i sat up only to meet a gaze with some bitch i don't even know . "um can i help you." i said in a snappy way. she sucked her teeth, "you don't know who you're talking to little girl so watch ya self. anyways, what's going on between you and jahseh, no bullshit" i sighed, "bitch first off i'm not a "lil girl" so shut the fuck up on that, secondly me and jahseh are just friends . we kissed once or twice but it wasn't a thing" . she looked pissed off, i couldn't tell if it was because i told her to shut the fuck up or because jahseh and i made out or whatever. she let out a loud exhale and stood up, "step off of him or else i'll have to dea-" "mhm, okay diana, leave kumi alone and go back to your little friend group." jahseh said cutting her off, he put his hands on my shoulders from behind me and i just looked at her with a smirk. she went straight faced and looked at him, "thiiiisss shouldn't become more than what it is" she said while pointing at me and jahseh. i rolled my eyes, "can you just leave, i don't even know you, and you don't know me" "if you're talking to jahseh or having ANY contact with him, it's my concern, so get your facts straight before opening your mou-" "diana for real, just leave vro" jahseh said as he shooed her away with his hand, she gave me a crusty look and then walked away. jahseh then sat down across from me, "where were you in 4th block today" he asked . i didn't know what to say because i wasn't about to tell this kid that i spent my entire first half of the day sleeping and then overthinking. "i was uhhh, i was sitting over at the bleachers by the softball fields" i replied, then i got mad at myself, why did i tell him that. "you found my spot." he said. "i go there when i need yo clear my mind, it's understandable that you found peace in that little area" i nodded, "yeah, i just don't feel right." he sighed and reached across the table, signaling for my hand, i moved it slightly closer to his , i felt weird about it but whatever, he's cute. he grabbed it and just held it and stared through the holes in the table. "stick by me and i'll try to care for you" he said after a while. i looked at him and admired his split dyed hair, "okay.. only if you're sure." i replied. he smiled and stood up, i did the same and he walked with me to the school parking lot where his car was parked, another different car from yesterday.. i brushed it off because why would i care if he was in a gang or some shit. "let me take you somewhere" he said. i shrugged, "okay" he opened the car with the little remote thingy and opened my door for me, he took my backpack and put it in the back seat. i put on my seatbelt and turned to look out my window. he got into the car and turned it on, he backed out of the parking spot and we drove off campus. i watched the outside pass by quickly as we sped down the highway. he put his hand on my thigh, "is this okay?" i nodded. he kept on driving while his right hand was on my thigh. i didn't feel any certain way towards it, it felt good to have some physical attention though. eventually he pulled into another parking lot but this was for a hiking area, one of those little walking trails . i saw a small cliff as i got out of the car, "you're not gonna push me off the cliff or sumn are you?" he chuckled, "if course not, the view over here is just calming and you seem stressed" i pursed my lips , "mhm" i mumbled. he locked the car and grabbed my hand, walking us towards the trail, we walked up to the top of the cliff thing and sat there on a bench. the bench made my ass cold but i ignored it and enjoyed the moment. the time passed a lot faster when i was there, we talked about a lot of stupid things, we talked about our childhoods and what it's like working for my dad. i felt like i could get things off my chest but i still didn't want to tell him how i felt about all the kissing yesterday; but that's only because i didn't even know how i felt. he glanced at me and put his arm around my shoulders and pulling me a bit closer. "you still seem like somethings bothering you.." he trailed off. i shook my head no, "i'm fine.. just confused" he raised his eyebrows, "confused? about what?" "just.. i don't understand why you're being so nice to me. i feel like it's only because of my father, and i don't want him to be what our friendship or whatever you would call this is built off of.. i don't know" i said . he said nothing for a few minutes, "i was told to keep an eye out for you by your father, that's true, but all the conversations and trying to create a bond with you is all me. the kiss yesterday, that was all me. my feelings." he said . i sighed; "w-why did you kiss me yesterday..?" i asked . he shrugged, "i'm not sure, but i felt slightly attracted to you, i hope that doesn't sound weird. i know we've only been hanging out for a week or so, but i just .. wanted to kiss you." i didn't know what to say. "are we friends.. at least" i asked him. he nodded, "of course kumi. i'm not going anywhere soon. i like your vibe, plus you're not bitchy" i smiled, "friends." he pulled me closer to the point where i was basically on top of him. i blushed and then stared at the ground , i turned around and looked at his face tattoos.. they were cool in my opinion. he smiled at me and kissed my forehead. i smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder. we watched the sunset and then it was 7:46 .. i texted mandy letting her know where i was and apologizing for the late response. she didn't seem to be upset she said it was okay and to be safe on the way home. jahseh took me home and then stayed for the meeting. i went upstairs and grabbed my towel to come back down here and take a shower. i again did my whole extra ass routine and then wrapped my towel around my body after getting out of the shower. i had to walk through the living room full of boys , but i forgot my shorts upstairs. how fucking convenient. i put on my shirt and my panties and then i wrapped my towel around my head instead so that my hair could dry for a bit. after 10 minutes or so i took the towel off and folded it, putting it on the towel rack rather than taking it upstairs with me again. i knew i had to rush out of the bathroom so that i didn't show too much of myself , especially when my dad is in a "meeting". i didn't want to just walk out so i peeked through the door just a bit and my dad wasn't there. i looked around the room just to make sure he wasn't around. i texted mandy to ask where he was and she said he was on a "special run" ... yeah okay , where do you need to go at 9:30 at night... anyways, i responded and asked how long he would be gone and she said at least a few minutes, and that there was only 5 guys left in the living room waiting for my father . i thanked her and left the bathroom, in nothing but my shirt and panties. i felt the guys turn their attention to me as i walked through the living room and upstairs to put on shorts, after that i came back down and went into the kitchen for some water. i borderline hate being short cause my ass can't reach the top shelf. i struggled until i heard someone walk into the kitchen and i quickly jumped my happy ass off the counter and i felt my booty cheeks clap. {lmfaooo i'm higher than a kite rn so if there's weird ass sentences or shit like that ignore it} "daaayyyuumm, shit kobal ian know you had ass" "bitch who tf yo- oh... jarad." i said while i pursed my lips with an attitude. "chill with that." he said as he approached me, i curved him and then rested my back against the fridge. "okay but what the fuck you want" ; he looked at me like he just got told he's about to be a father. i rolled my eyes and got back onto the counter and grabbed a cup out of the cabinet. "mamas what's wrong" he said. i shook my head , "bruh. don't hit me with that after the lil situation soniek put me in" "it wasn't my fault" "you knew she would react like that. you could've told me to sit outside like i ended up doing anyways." "i'm sorry kobal. i didn't mean for it to escal-" "listen jarad. i still wanna be your friend. i just don't think i can get close to you like i originally planned. especially after hearing those nasty ass moans coming out of soniek's donkey sounding headass" . "i understand. but what do you mean by "like i originally planned" , did you like me or something?" i said nothing and gave a slight nod, "yea. a little bit" i said while i filled my glass with water and drank it. he smiled like he was a dog who was about to throw up :/ "what's that look for?" "huh? oh nothing.." he responded. i shrugged and gave him an awkward hug before going back into the living room and sitting in a chair near the front window . i stared out the window at the front yard. i miss california, even though it was a total shit show, my brother and my friends were there, and here, i'm only known as "dReCoNaS dAuGhTeR" people won't even come near me because they're scared or not fond of my father. jahseh and jarad are the only two members that have even talked to me yet alone spent time with me. jahseh more than jarad.. but that's not the point . i got so consumed in my thoughts that i began to tear up.. i started to cry. no sound escaped me, just my tears. yet my breathing gave it away because i started breathing heavier.. i tried to wipe my tears but i felt frozen. like this was necessary. jahseh came up to behind the chair and rested his hands on my shoulders. i flinched then just let it be, i felt a little less alone.. "kumi.. come with me." he said. i didn't want to but i did anyways, i was just afraid of opening up, and i feel like he's one of those people who keeps asking and asking until he gets into your head and then you open up and spill out all of your emotions.. i got up and he grabbed my hand and walked me into the kitchen and then out the back door. he took me to a corner of the yard with a little pond full of koi fish. i haven't come out here yet, the pond has led lights which made this setting feel romantic in a way. he sat me in a chair near one of the trees and sat in the next chair. "kumi. talk to me." he said in a soft voice. i shook my head; "i-..i just -.. i cant." i replied. he scooted his chair closer to mine, at this point we were only a few inches apart, i wasn't complaining but i still felt awkward. "that's okay bab- kumi, take your time. i'll be here, either face to face or over the phone." i scoffed, "why do you care about me so much?" "i couldn't tell you. i'm just drawn to you. i care about you." he moved a loose strand of hair out of my face and lifted my head so that we were face to face, like yesterday. i looked down at his lips and then back at his eyes, i convinced myself he was just stuck in the moment so i ignored it. it's only been a few weeks i couldn't have been falling for him already. i moved his hand off of my jaw and continued to make eye contact until he decided to say something. he just stared at my face for a good 5 minutes. i didn't look away because i knew he would just make me look back up at him. he smiled and then kissed my forehead. i didn't know whether to cringe or just accept it. but what came out of my mouth instead was; "don't you have a girlfriend?" i immediately covered my mouth, why tf did i just say that shit . he shook his head, "no, we're off and on." "so basically you have a girlfriend." "no no no, we aren't together at the moment." "but you still have love for her. i don't want to get too indulged in this little friendship between us if you're going to end up back with her." he looked down and started fidgeting with his hands. "kumi, i like you. i just don't think you'll feel the same way after a while of knowing me and getting to know who i am. i don't want to put you through unnecessary stress just becau-" i kissed him. why did i kiss him. why why why. he cupped my face with his hand and caressed my cheek. i pulled away, "i'm sorry. i don't know why i did that.." i trailed off , not knowing what else to say. he smiled at the ground; "don't apologize." he said . his phone started ringing and he stood up to answer it. he walked around me and the trees and the pond while on the call. i could hear a females voice and whenever he got close to me. i wasn't unhappy; it was like the jarad and soniek situation, they were aquatinted before i even showed up, and so was jahseh and whoever he was talking to. i shrugged it off and just looked at the pond, watching the fish swim around . he was on the phone with that girl for at least 20 minutes; but like i said before, i wasn't unhappy, matter of fact, i couldn't be unhappy. it's not fair to him. i sighed and stood up, walking back to the door, i was until he grabbed my hand and stood in place. i whipped my hand out of his and turned around, he looked down at me, "kumi." "jahseh" "why are you going inside, i thought you were enjoying this.. at least a little bit" i really had no excuse for walking away so i didn't say anything . he walked with me back to the chairs, "i'm sorry that phone call took so long" i nodded, "it's alright. don't mention it." i responded . he sighed and rested his forehead on mine. i don't know what kind of telepathic shit he was tryna do but i didn't move away. i feel like he's in pain but he's a guy; he won't show it or address it. i lifted my head and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a tight hug. i felt him tense up. i loosened my grip and then just let go. "i'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable.." i apologized . he shook his head, "no it's just that.. do you care about me?" i looked at him for a few seconds; "yes. i care about you. why do you ask?" he shrugged, "i just never had someone that tried to be there for me. even when they didn't know what was wrong." "jahseh, i'll be here for you regardless." i said. he kissed my forehead again and gave me a smile. "thank you." i checked the time; 12:36 am. damn why does the time move so fast. "JAHSEH." i heard someone shout from behind us. i jumped and turned around, only to see the girl who bothered me in class and another girl. she had fluffy hair and was extremely scrawny. i stood up in order to get out of their way, i don't want to have drama.. "who the fuck do you think you are?" she snarled at me. i frowned, "who do you think YOU are coming on MY property." i replied. she scoffed and got up in jahseh's face. "i called you. why are you still here." he sighed and rubbed his face , "stop." i said, "you're making him overwhelmed; leave him be and go home you crusty bitch." she gave me a dirty look and turned towards me, she was taller than me but it didn't threaten me i just looked up at her .  she wrapped her hand around my throat and began to squeeze. damn why are all these bitches crazy. i shoved her away, "don't put your hands on me." i said. "or WHAT" she snapped. i gritted my teeth and took a deep breath, walking away. "exactly . go away; pussy" jahseh shot the girl a look, "leave her out of this. this is between you and i. don't fucking touch her again." he said in a strained voice, almost like he was fighting back tears. the girl got quiet and then looked at me, "oh so she's the one you're cheating on me with. i really thought you could do better" he walked away and came over to me. "kumi.. don't liste-" "forget it. you belong to her." i said as i walked to the gate in the backyard and went through it towards the front yard. i sat under a tree in the yard and just looked at the sky. i heard bickering from the three in the backyard but i ignored it, it wasn't my business. after a while jahseh came into the front yard; looking for me. "kobal? kumi? luminosity??" he sighed and i just looked in his direction, "jahseh." i spoke. he walked towards me and sat down, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "i'm sorr-" "don't" i cut him off. he looked surprised, "you weren't expecting an apology?" i shook my head, "why would i." he looked away, "it's just normal with gene-" "shh. i'm not her . you don't know me that well, don't worry about it yet.. we're only friends anyways." i said as i wrapped my arms around him , giving him a tight hug. "kumi. can i say something?" i nodded, "i feel like you understand me.. and if it's okay with you, i'd like to get closer.. not all fast and all at once obviously but... yea". i smiled, "i'd like that too jahseh."

next morning.
—𝔧𝔞𝔥𝔰𝔢𝔥: i woke up to my roommate yelling, typical. i'm getting tired of this shit, its starting to get to my head, i don't know man.. i feel like drecona is going to ruin any chance i have with kumi if he finds out about the recent "action" between us, but i don't know why i'm bothered, she don't see me as nun but a friend anyways. i might as well respect it so i at least have her friendship. shit with her feels different, and refreshing in a way, but i gotta stop day dreaming and get my ass to school.
i sit up out of my bed and go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, i took a shower last night after i left kumi's place around 3, i had to get stress outta my head. i put on some deodorant and then smoothed my dreads down from all the stray wack ass hairs that decided to stick up. i went back to my room and put on a black tank top and one of my favorite hoodies along with some ripped black jeans and my air force's. i decided to wear a chain today, why not. i grabbed my phone and my back pack and rummaged through my key drawer for the audi i got yesterday. i finally got replacement license plates, so technically i'm fine . i got in the car and drove to school without thinking about anything else but kumi . i got to the school and parked in the back parking lot, i hopped out of the car and left my backpack in the back seat, i locked the doors with the lil remote thing and went to the courtyard to find kumi . she was sitting at the same picnic table, i decided to walk up behind her and give her a lil hug. "good morning kumi" i said. she smiled, "good morning" her fucking smile man, that shit is crazy beautiful. i kissed her on the forehead and sat down next to her on a separate bench connected to the table. she blushed and looked at me, "so last night was fun i guess." she mentioned, i scoffed and shook my head, "i mean i guess. but only the parts where i was with you, everything else had me fucked up" i responded. she brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face and looked in my direction with her beautiful eyes.. the sun was hitting em just right too. i cupped her cheek in my hand and caressed it, "you're beautiful." i blurted out. she looked shocked that i said that, i don't blame her, us gAnG bAnGeRs ain't known for having emotions let alone complimenting no hoes. the difference is, she's not a hoe. she's not like my ex. she's so much better.. she leaned in closer and smiled before kissing me on the cheek below my face tattoo. "aye, you tryna walk with me to our first block? we gotta go in like 20 minutes" i said. she nodded, "of course, only if you show up tho. i'm not doing none of that bullshit unless you suffer with me" she laughed. i moved over to her bench and put my arm around her waist. "i'll suffer with you" i said, with a small chuckle. i seen my ex come into the courtyard right after that and my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. i feel so... haunted by her. she's fucked me up well.. she looked in my direction and we made eye contact, i shook my head and stared down at the holes in the table, taking my arm off of kumi and crossing my arms in front of my body. "jahsehhhh" i heard her voice beckon me. i didn't move, i just sat and listened for it again. she didn't repeat, she came to me and slammed her hand on the table, forcing me to flinch a little bit. "i said, jahsehhhh" i bit my lip. "can you go away." kumi said while pushing her forehead backwards. geneva looked pissed .. i didn't know what to say or who to defend. i don't love geneva anymore, but i don't hate her either, even after all the bullshit . i don't know how to word it. i cleared my throat and stood up, i stretched and grabbed kumi's hand, helping her up. "let's go." i said , she held onto my hand and we walked away. i turned to her as we walked away "i'm sorry about that.." she shook her head; "i'm fine." i smiled and kissed her on the forehead. i took her out to the parking lot where i parked my car and i had her sit in it with me . we sat in my car listening to music. i looked over at her and smiled, "so.. how are you today" i asked. she shrugged "not good, not bad" i nodded in an understanding way. i pulled a blunt out of the center console. "you smoke?" i asked her. she nodded. "yea. i haven't since i've gotten here tho." "i can change that if you allow me mamas" i said. i bit my lip after that sentence cause what the fuck even was that. she blushed, "okay bet." i rolled up another one so we had two blunts in our rotation. the higher the better i guess. "i'm gonna drive us somewhere else just so that we don't get caught by campus security" i said as i pulled out of my parking spot and began driving. she looked out the window for most of the ride, she's so beautiful.. but i couldn't tell her that without her thinking it was stupid.. i took us to the same parking garage we were at last week and i parked at the way top again. "here" i said while i handed her one of the blunts. she pulled a lighter out of her backpack and looked at me for permission to light it, i nodded with a smirk, "let's spark." i said as i lit the one in my hand. it's way too early to be getting high, but that's just my life.. we smoked for what seemed like hours . we eventually got to the roaches and then we put them out in my little ashtray that i kept in my glove box. we sat in some comfortable silence for a bit while music played in the background. but i couldn't keep fighting the urge of wanting to kiss her. "kumi" i said, she turned and looked at me, i said nothing i just kissed her. but one kiss turned into making out .. and then making out led to us in my back seat with her sitting on my lap while we were both half naked. i felt myself getting hard and i got upset. "alright.. are you a virgin?" i asked her. she didn't respond she just kissed my neck. i sighed, "i just wanna know so i don't hurt you" she shrugged, "i doubt it'll hurt that bad" i nodded and flipped her over onto her back as i hovered above her, i glanced at the clock before going down to kiss her and it was already 12 in the afternoon. fuck, oh well, it's worth it, she's worth it. i left a trail of marks on her neck down to her stomach then i glanced up at her.. and i just couldn't go through with it. i'd feel so guilty having her first time be in the back of a coupe and with someone she hardly knows. i sat up and pulled her up off her back. i kissed her again , a slow kiss. then i handed her her shirt and jeans. she got dressed and then glanced at me , "am i unattractive..?" she asked me as she looked down at her thighs, her eyes seemed watery. "no no no no NO! kumi you're beautiful. don't ask questions like that." "then why'd you stop?" "i don't want your first time to be in my car. i'd rather take you back to my place. that's all" i replied. she leaned into my chest , i felt her tears. "hey hey hey stop crying baby." i said as i sat her back up and wiped her tears. "here, we'll go to my place, as long as you promise not to say a thing to your father OR mandy." she nodded in agreement and we both moved back up to the front seats. i drove us to my spot , my roommate was at work until 2 am anyways. i parked my car in the drive way and got out, i went around to her side of the car and opened it for her. she stood up out of it, she's so short . it's cute. i locked my car and walked into the house with her, we went into the basement to my room and i told her to sit on my bed. she did so and i looked into my mirror on my dresser , i ruffled my dreads a bit and took off my chain. i took off my tank top and changed into shorts from my jeans. she covered her eyes, she's innocent... i went and jumped onto my bed, the headboard made a noise and it scared her .. i chuckled and hugged her around the waist. she turned around and looked at me. i glanced up at her , "do you wanna borrow a pair of my shorts. so you can be more comfortable?" i asked. she shrugged, "yea. i kinda wanna lay down" i got up and grabbed a pair of my basket ball shorts from my drawer , i handed them to her. "here" she stood up and turned towards me "close your eyes" she said, i laughed "you act like i wasn't just on top of your half naked ass" she gave me a straight face look and proceeded to take off her shoes and pants, she changed into my shorts and she looked cute cause she was swimming in them bc they're big compared to her small frame. she sat back down on my bed, "i'm gonna text mandy, just to let her know i'm with you, i won't tell her where." she said as she typed a message to mandy. i took her phone after i saw it was sent and shoved it under my pillow. i grabbed her by the shirt and slightly tugged her towards me, she laid down and we both got under the covers. i became the big spoon.. but all i could feel was her ass pressed against me. i kissed her neck and she turned to face me, i climbed on top of her and started making out with her, slowly moving down to her neck, marking it up more . i took of her shirt and left marks up and down her torso and chest. she smiled down at me. "are you sure about this?" i asked her, she nodded "yes jahseh." i smirked and pulled the shorts and her panties off, i took off my shorts and boxers and i began. she didn't seem in pain she just made a few faces before looking at me with her beautiful eyes. we went on with it for 30 minutes and then i bust.. fuck! i didn't pull out in time . shit shit shit . i quickly pulled out of her after i came and i pulled up my boxers. "mamas, you should go pee. the bathroom is down the hall way. 3rd door" she looked confused "o-okay?" she said as she got up and pulled up the clothing over her bottom half. she walked to the bathroom and came back after a few minutes. "do you have stds or something" she said in a joking tone. i half smiled, "no i just didn't pull out in time." she looked shocked but then took a deep breath. "it's okay jahseh.." she sat down on my lap and kissed my forehead. i'm starting to like this girl..
a/n how tf do people write smut in these stories i couldn't do it seriously and it made me cringe but i had to do it because DRAMA. she pregnant? or is she not? we may never know... jk jk but fr how do people go so in depth with that type of shit , it's so foul 😂😭 i cry lmfao
see you in the next episode of dragon ball z. 🦋

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