Best Friends With Practically Everyone

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Hello everyone! Okay so, my first one is based on a fanfic called "Best Friends" by whitecrossgirl on I'm not copying, I just really liked it and I wanted to make a story out of it. Hope you like it!


It was probably one of the hottest days ever in Camelot. Gwen sat down by the wall of the castle and attempted at fanning herself. Elyan noticed his sister trying to cool herself down and offered some of his water to her.

"Thanks," she said, smiling. "Don't you get warm in all of that getup?"

He shrugged. "There are pros and cons of being a knight. Besides, I'm pretty sure all the others with me feel like they're being baked. Which we are, by the ways." Gwen snorted, being thankful of the simple dress she was wearing.

Now, this conversation just happened to flow into Alanna's ears as she listened attentively to the brother/sister exchange. Herself and Merlin were just tidying up Arthur's chambers. Alanna was a servant who was only appointed to serve guests at the castle. Since she was usually free, she would help everybody else. They had just finished mopping the floor and a wicked smile grew on her cheery face.

"What's on your mind?" Merlin asked. He knew this face. Oh yes he did, it meant that someone was going to be seriously pissed off. And that someone usually ends up being Gwen. And then someone else ends up being in serious threat of an angry girl with a copper pot. And that someone usually ends up being Alanna.

He peered over the window where she had been focused for a good few minutes and saw Gwen chatting with her brother. Alanna held a finger to her lips and picked up the bucket full of dirty water.


With that, she poured the whole bucket of water onto the siblings sitting down just below them. Gwen gasped and Elyan had a puzzled look on his face, both of them dripping wet.

Alanna looked at the empty bucket in her hand and with a shrug, dropped it down which ended up bumping off Gwen's head and rolled over to some potatoes in a copper pot.

The gardener had borrowed the pot from the kitchens to put the potatoes he dug out into.

Gwen looked up and found the familiar cheeky smile of Alanna beaming down at her. Merlin was right next to her, his mouth agape. Elyan only shook his head and laughed.

Gwen however stomped over to the pot and took the potatoes out of them, carefully placing them on the ground. She looked up to meet Alanna's eyes once more and drew a line across her throat, her expression serious. She ran into to the courtyard as fast as she could to get revenge on her best friend.

Alanna gulped. Her eyes widened and her smile vanished, which merely transferred itself onto Merlin's face. Oh, she was busted.

"I NEED TO HIDE!" she exclaimed and frantically ran around the room looking for a place to hide. Merlin could only laugh until his sides hurt.

"Shut up Merlin," she retorted glaring at him.

"I didn't say anything!" He raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Well you are now," she pouted. Footsteps were heard and Alanna dived into Arthur's cupboard just before the door opened, leaving Merlin doing his best to suppress the urge to laugh. Arthur walked in, completely oblivious to what just happened.

"I'm surprised you got the impression that you could just stand there and do nothing Merlin, you've still got to muck out the stables," he said walking over to his cupboard.

" Now, I've got a meeting to attend to and - Alanna! What are you doing in my cupboard?" That's when Merlin lost it. He fell to the floor clutching his stomach, laughing.

Alanna looked up at Arthur with threatening eyes.

"I swear, if you tell Gwen where I am, I will shout out to all of Camelot that the prince can't even dress himself properly, okay?"

He nodded, his facial expression relaxing into a small smile. But he had no doubt she would carry out her threat. Ah, so just the usual deadly hide-and-seek-and-run game Gwen and Alanna played on a daily basis, he thought.

Just then, an extremely angry Gwen barged in through the doors. her wet hair framed her face and her dress was stuck to her, dripping water at the hem. Her expression was priceless though. It screamed, "get in my way and I will NOT hesitate to use this pot on you!"

Arthur slammed the cupboard door shut and Merlin shot her his most innocent look.



And THAT, my dear readers, was my first ever fanfic! Hope you liked it!

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