The Ideal Servant (Not really)

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So, I came up with this fabulous idea a few weeks ago and I decided to write it down. I've got my fingers crossed because I don't know how this will work out. Like it. Please just like it.


"Yeah, yeah now go save the world Merlin. Shoo, out of here," Alanna ordered pushing her friend out the door of his own house. He stopped halfway and  turned around with a concerned  look on his face.

"You'll do fine right?" She rolled your eyes, but with a glint of happiness and fun. "How many times do I have to tell you that Arthur will be perfectly  in shape with me around," her voice went up a bit at the end in an exaggerated way.

 "Quite a number of times actually," he muttered. She glared at him before giving him a final shove and slamming the door shut before he could repeat Arthur's daily routine to her, again.

Alanna and Merlin had agreed that he would let her try be Arthur's servant for a day the next time he had to save Camelot. he had spent all night telling her all she needed to know. And so, in ten minutes flat, Alanna were barging through Arthur's door with his breakfast in hand. 

" Get up Arty," she sang in an annoying tune. Arthur groaned. "Where's Merlin?" he asked, his blue eyes bleary, but he could get the message across. He really did not want Alanna as a servant. She could be EXTREMELY annoying when she wanted.

She grinned and easily said, "the tavern."

Arthur sat up and started eating the breakfast she had brought. 

"Now, Arty, we've got-" 

"Don't call me that!"

"Call you what Arty?"

"That! Don't call me Arty!"

"Oh, I'm terribly  sorry Arty, I didn't mean to offend you Arty, It's just a real trek calling you Arthur so I just call you Arty, Arty," she teased. Arthur groaned. 

"Now, you've got a meeting to get ready for and..." Alanna named out every single thing on his kingly list for the day.

-----TIME SKIP-------

Arthur got ready to change into his knight outfit. Well, Alanna had laid out all the clothes and now he was waiting. They stared at each other awkwardly.

"Well?" he says impatiently. She gave him a confused look.

"Well what?"

"I need to change."

"Yeah, I know."


"Arthur, there is no way in hell am I going to do that," she said easily and stalk out the door. He groaned and let's just say, he got late for his meeting by more than just an hour. 

--TIME SKIP--------

The only one thing they both agreed on was training. Each day, the two of them would duel each other on the training grounds for hours upon hours until one of them would win, and that was normally Alanna. He would fight in his heavy getup, fighting his best, whereas she were more skilled, though he would never admit to that.

Alanna fought in her light and airy dress, gracefully twirling and attacking with elegance. She had been fighting since she was nine, ever since the Sidhe took you in their care.

They both agreed training was the only thing that went smoothly between Arthur and his substitute servant for the whole day.

------TIME SKIP------

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