Best Friends With Practically Everyone 2

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So this is just a continue-on from the first part. It's still based on the fanfiction "Best Friends" by whitecrossgirl on, there's a lot in her fanfic that I liked so here's another one!


Arthur sighed. He had just come back from sword practice and hadn't done very well because he saw Gwen watching him and he lost his concentration. He wouldn't stop giving out to himself for breaking the most important rule on the battlefield. NEVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF YOUR OPPONENT. And what did he do? The exact opposite.

But he wasn't sighing about that, he wanted to do something about the butterflies in his stomach that appeared whenever he saw Gwen.  So he called for his most trusted council that consisted of Merlin, Alanna, and of course, himself. 

"Why don't you just tell her?" Suggested Merlin, bending down to pick up some more of Arthur's dirty laundry. Even in times like this, Arthur just HAD to keep Merlin occupied with some work.

The prat.

"Are you crazy? What if she doesn't like me? She's a servant and I'm a prince. It'll never work out," he groaned laying back down on his bed.

Alanna, who was leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, had had enough. Herself and Merlin had spent fifteen minutes trying to convince Arthur that Gwen DID like him, but did he listen? NOOO, the arrogant idiot just wouldn't accept it.

"Fine. If you're not going to tell her just like that, then I'll just be LEAVING then," she said and stormed out the door.

No, she wouldn't leave Arthur in a muddle like that, she wouldn't ever do that to any of her friends. Come to think of it, not even her enemies. She'd probably sort it our for them by killing them.

Easy, problem sorted.

Alanna ran down to the courtyard and out of the palace straight to Gwen's house. She didn't bother knock.

"I'M HOME!" she cried and slammed to door shut behind her. She found Gwen in the kitchen cooking dinner for both of them while humming a little tune.

Alanna had lived with Gaius ever since she was nine, but when Merlin came, she decided to give him her room and went to live with Gwen who didn't mind at all. It had taken a while to get permission from Gaius though, after all, she was with him for more than half of her life by now and he was reluctant to let someone as close as a daughter leave.

She promised to come see him twice a day and help him in most of the cases he had to solve. That's how she became friends with Merlin. 

The sound of Gwen's humming filled the kitchen. Alanna covered her ears and made a face.

"What is that disgraceful noise?"
She didn't really mean it, Gwen's singing was a blessing for anyone to hear.

Gwen pouted.

 "Thanks, Alanna," she replied sarcastically.

"Guess what I'm cooking?" Gwen eyes shone with delight. It was Alanna's favourite, chicken soup.

"Uh, yeah, wow, I love how it's sweet and spicy at the same time," Alanna was too busy looking for a very important something, to comprehend what Gwen had asked her in the place.  And also the fact that she was complimenting the taste of it before she even tried some was...concerning.

Her piercing dark brown eyes scanned the tiny house for a...

"Um, I'm making chicken soup," Gwen informed her, confused at Alanna's reply. She watched her best friend's dazzling eyes twinkle when she caught sight of... a copper pot.

Alanna picked it up and hit Gwen in the back of her head hard enough to knock her out. Half of her panicked saying, "You didn't kill her, did you?" While the other half snorted back a response, "please, I know my own strength."

She lifted her unconscious friend onto a wagon that was waiting outside and covered her with a blanket. She ran into the palace as fast as she could with Gwen in the wagon.

She raced up to Arthur's chambers where she pushed the doors open and found Arthur and Merlin still in deep conversation.

Both mens' eyes shot to the figure in the wagon. Alanna merely wheeled it over to Arthur and dropped the handles into his hands to uncover Gwen, unconscious in the wagon.

Merlin and Arthur's eyes widened and their mouths fell open. 

"You owe me one," came Alanna's simple reply.  

   ----------TIME SKIP--------

Yippee, Hooray, it worked out just fine between Arthur and Gwen and now the two were walking over to Gwen's house to drop her off.

Gwaine had managed to spook her out by one of his famous campfire stories so much, she refused to go home on her own.

Obviously, Alanna would've accompanied her there but she had to say goodnight to Gaius first. Arthur had happily offered to escort her home.

So now Alanna and Merlin were off to Gaius's, and Arthur and Gwen to her house. Arthur kept reassuring Gwen, telling her that it was just a story and not real the whole way there.

It wasn't long before everyone was in bed and Alannap strolled into her house, gently locking the door so as to not wake Gwen up. She walked over to the candles that Gwen would always keep alight next to their beds.

"Gwen... Gwen..." she called in a deep low voice, loud enough to wake up her friend. 

Gwen's eyes opened lazily and she looked over to find a hooded figure standing by the candles with a deathly sharp knife in their hand, exactly like what Gwaine had described in his story. If she recalled correctly, (which she hoped she wasn't)...Oh no. 

She screamed and scrambled out of bed, her hands frantically searching for something to use as a defense weapon. To her surprise, The figure threw back their hood and burst out laughing so hard that they had to sit down on the floor to keep from falling over. 


 How. Dare. That.... Gwen's fingers closed over a handle and she held it by her head with both her hands. Alanna finally managed to stop laughing and she looked up to see Gwen holding... Oh no. The copper pot.



Well? How was it? Good? Bad? Boring? I know, Alanna and Gwen stole that copper pot from the gardener. But let's just assume that the gardener was in trouble and the kitchen had many more pots anyways :)

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