Venomous Fangs

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Byleth shocked both Solon and Thales with her answer.
" said your goal aligns with ours? How so Fell Star?" Solon asked nervously glancing at Thales.
"After you murdered my father I realized something... No matter who ended up doing it my father would eventually be murdered before my eyes... Fodlan rejected him. The church rejected him. Seiros then rejected him even when he had done nothing. They killed him, and so they all must die... And I shall be the one to do it. So I've come to request an alliance. But I have one condition." Solon looked at Thales confused and full of fear.
"What is that condition?" Thales asked calmly.
"I understand that you are capable of dark magic that can bind certain souls under restrictions yes?" Byleth paused as Thales nodded. "Then I want you to resurrect Kronya. But she will obey my every order. Only my orders no tricks... Deal?"
"You can't seriously be considering this madness Thales!!" Solon screamed. "This woman is going to murder us!! She can't be trusted!!"
"And yet she came to us Solon... It's a deal Miss Professor. I shall resurrect Kronya with a seal that will force her to obey any of your commands and in return you become one of us." Thales said as Byleth nodded.
"Then let's not waste any time."

Meanwhileat the monastery Shamir and the others convinced Rhea that for now Byleth was resting and did not want to be disturbed regardless of the situation much to Rhea's dissatisfaction she agreed

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at the monastery Shamir and the others convinced Rhea that for now Byleth was resting and did not want to be disturbed regardless of the situation much to Rhea's dissatisfaction she agreed. Seteth however went to Edelgard wanting answers.
"I do not wish to bother you Edelgard but what is the real reason Byleth isn't around? She isn't dead is she?" Edelgard looked up from the floor of the Black Eagle classroom to see Seteth in front of her.
"She just desires some rest Seteth."
"Then answer me as though it's true. Now Edelgard I'm not asking as Rhea's assistant or as a member of the church. But as someone truly concerned with her whereabouts." Edelgard looked at Seteth then away.
"Only she could pull the truth out of me like this... Fine she didn't kill Solon. Instead she desired to meet Thales and hasn't returned... we have only been fearing the worst since then. But I will not tell you the rest of my plans."
"When your ready I'll listen. But on another note if Byleth has truly left to see Thales... I can only assume the worst has happened..." Seteth stopped when he noticed Edelgard crying. "What's the matter?"
"... It's all my fault... I... I just wanted to help. But if something were to happen to her I... I don't know what I'd do with myself... I wouldn't be able to..." She stopped when she felt Seteth's arms wrapped around her.
"Then pray dear child. We can only pray for her safety. Meanwhile if the worst should happen know that I'm here for you at any point in time."


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