Fallen King

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"Welcome professor." Dimitri said as Byleth and Kronya were lead to the chamber Byleth referred to as the "round table" where Claude Edelgard and Dimitri awaited them... And the Knights of Seiros. Byleth entered slowly her smile fading after Dimitri spoke when she saw Alois and the others expecting to hear their hatred. Instead Alois ran up and hugged her.
"Thank the goddess you're all right. And this eye who did that to you?!" Byleth paused before looking at Claude.
"Teach got into a tough skirmish with a friend... But Teach dealt the better blow." Alois' face changed a bit when he realized what they meant.
"Maybe you should've never betrayed Lady Rhea." Catherine scoffed as Shamir punched her shoulder.
"In any case I side with Flayn it's a pleasure to see you again alive and well... I apologize for not doing more 5 years ago... It's a regret I hope to finally let go." Byleth smiled a bit before looking back at Kronya.
"... Actually I'm not alone." She said slowly as Kronya looked around and smiled faintly before slightly waving.
"Hey Dimitri how's the eye?" She tried joking as Dimitri glared then realizing the professor had complete control over her eased himself a bit and smiled.
"Well now at least I have a match. Eh professor?" Byleth smiled a bit letting herself ease up instead of regretting what can't be undone at this point.
"Now that your done with the reunion we have matters to discuss such as Shambahla." Rhea interrupted.
"We'll need to devise a well thought out plan to win. But professor we believe you know that place more than us what should we do?" Edelgard asked as Byleth looked over at Kronya.
"First we should evacuate the monastery we believe at this time it's not safe since they weakened down your barrier during the 5 years..."

"Hello Thales!" He merely looked down at his enemies unamused by the site before him

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"Hello Thales!" He merely looked down at his enemies unamused by the site before him.
"Kronya. Byleth. You're sooner than expected. Your highness I'm surprised you'd ever abandoned your goals to side with the lies of the church."
"I'm in this for different reasons uncle. If you're even my real uncle." El responded with as Thales smirked.
"How perceptive. It is true that I merely stole his corpse, but Solon and Kronya did as well and yet there one stands by the Fell Star's side. But you'll never get to enjoy this victory." He finished as he placed his hand on the ground and Javelins of Light began firing all across Fodlan including Shambahla until.
"I'm done with you Thales." Byleth said as her blade ran through Thales' chest as he noticed her right behind them.
"You haven't one yet... Our victory is almost at hand even if we won't see it." He laughed before Byleth ended his life.
"He couldn't mean..." Kronya trailed off as Byleth understood what she meant.
"Catherine get Rhea out of here we'll handle this... But the monastery might not be the safest place anymore." Byleth ventured off before she left them behind as the three Lord's followed her and Kronya.
"That's impossible..." Byleth gasped, before her stood a casket wrapped with a chain... Or it was by the time they arrived an old man was staring at them with his red glowing eyes.
"Seiros..." He merely said before Byleth charged at him with her blade drawn as he merely blocked it with his own. Behind her Kronya attempted to surprise Nemesis while he was distracted, but was thrown back and she collided with the wall passing out almost instantly.
"Kronya!!" Byleth shouted as Nemesis gut punched her as she tried striking him back, before realizing what he was preparing for. Nemesis swung his sword back and whipped it at Byleth only to be stopped short by Dimitri's lance.
"Teach we gotta retreat the whole things starting to collapse." As the other two Lord's helped Byleth and Kronya while Dimitri kept him distracted until they made a tactical retreat as Shambahla colpapsed.
"I'm coming Seiros!!" Nemesis' voice cried echoing across Fodlan as the oldest enemy of all broke free of the rubble merely eyeing where Byleth had fled Gareg Mach Monastery.

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