mal's cotillion night nightmare

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A/N: Ok, so at first I was going to have Cori wear a full on ball gown, but them I realized that someone has got to wear the suit in this relationship and I wanted it to be Cori. I like it.


At the cotillion, Evie was escorted by Anthony and Orion on each of her arms. Paparazzi stopped Evie to ask her questions and comment on their outfits.

"Evie, you look beautiful!"

"Thank you so much." Evie thanked, posing for pictures.

"Did you design the barrette?" Someone asked.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? Uh, no, it's not my creation. Many of the hair accessories this evening are by a fabulous new designer, Dizzy of the Isle. The Queen herself is also wearing a few accessories. Be sure to keep a look out for her ring and necklace." Evie said with a wink and lead the boys to the boat.


Everyone was partying, Orion more than others since he was busting some moves on the dance floor. Anthony danced with Araina. The VK's danced with each other, joined by Doug and Lonnie. The music was cut as Lumiere was at the top of the stairs.

"The future Lady Mal!" He announced. Mal walked out in her newly altered dress. "You work it, girl." Lumiere whispered proudly. Mal nodded and descended the stairs.Everyone applauded. She was meet by Cori's parents who where speaking to Ben's parents.

"Hey, Cori is on her way." Cori's father, Kit said to Mal.


"And you look beautiful." Cinderella commented.

"Oh, thank you." Mal said. Cinderella took Mal's hands and squeezed them.

"I know we were shocked at first, but you--" Cinderella was almost teary-eyed. " are exactly what Cori needs."

Cinderella hugged Mal and Mal stood frozen. It made her decision to leave Auradon much harder, especially when she finally had gotten the approval of Cori's mother. Evie stepped up and pulled Mal away.

"How are you?" Evie asked her.

"Uh, sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up." Mal mentioned.

"Yeah? Okay. That's okay. Look, we're right here with you, okay?" Evie said. Mal smiled at her friends.

"Okay." The trumpets played and everyone's eyes were on the top of the steps.

"King Benjamin and Queen Corianne!" Ben and Cori appeared hand in hand as a side of their alliance and equality. Applause started up again. The applause stopped so that everyone may bow at them. Cori's eyes met Mal's and it was as if Mal was falling for her all other again. Ben and Cori walked down and steps and Ben let her go. Cori stood in front Mal and curtsied. No reaching for her hands, no hugs, just a distant curtsy.

"Mal, I wish I had time to explain." Cori said quickly before her eyes land at the top of the stairs. The spotlight hit it perfectly as Uma entered. Everyone was surprised, but Mal... Mal was heartbroken. Cori walked up the steps to Uma and took her hand. Cori held Uma's hand and turned to her, giving her hand a kiss. Mal was able to see the charm bracelet of Uma's wrist. They walked forward to Mal.

"I'm sorry. It all happened so fast." Cori explained. "Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection."

"What are you saying?" Mal asked, completely speechless.

"I'm saying--"

"It was love." Uma gushed out. "It was. I just-- I realized how alike Cori and I are, you know?" Uma looked at Cori, deep into her eyes.

"We are." Cori said.

"I know."

"You're so beautiful." Cori complimented. Mal Looked at Cori in disbelief.

"Cori." Cori didn't look at Mal. Mal called her name again, final getting her attention. "Did you go back for her?"

"She didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer." Uma explained. Cori looked away from Mal and onto Uma.

"You are." Cori agreed.

"Aw, thank you." Uma looked away from Cori and looked at Mal. On the inside Uma was beaming with joy when she saw how Mal's face looked, but she put on a compassionate look. Uma took Mal's hand, which surprised Mal. "Listen, Mal. I just really want to thank you, I do, for everything." Uma hugged Mal as a finally touch. Mal was feeling so many emotions at once about that night. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Don't you see, Mal? You were right." Cori spoke, wrapping an arm around Uma the way Cori use to do for Mal. Cori also grabbed Mal's hand. "You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me that you loved me."

Mal tried to say something, but no words formed. Cori looked at Uma and pulled her hand away from Mal to offer it to Uma so that they may dance. The music started and they waltzed in front of Mal. Mal was pulled away by Evie.

They walked away from Cori and Uma dancing. The only ones who stand back were Araina, Ben, Anthony, and Orion who were loyal to Cori in their own reasons.

Look Cori could do was look into Uma's eyes and she couldn't look away. One side of told her that she loves Uma... but one side said that she loves Mal. She couldn't control anything and it was as if she was being forced to feel emotions.

"And now for the unveiling of Queen Cori's masterpiece, designed especially for her lady." Lumiere announced. The trumpets played and a curtain was dropped to show a mirror portrait of Mal and Cori. Everyone applauded at the beauty of it. Cori was so enchanted by her design, it reminded her of all the happy time she and Mal had. The dates together, the naps, the study sessions. Those were the best moments of her life. She stepped forward to look at it more.


Sorry for errors.

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