Romantic Night | Demus

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Art by sweetest-honeybee on Tumblr

Author's note : When we were first introduced to Remus, I never thought I would ship him with anyone. And yet, here I am. I just love the dynamic between the two, the evil mind and the dumb side kick who's searching for his approval. This OS is a stupid idea I had in mind and for some reason I wanted to share it to the world. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it !

EDIT 2020.05.19 : Deceit's name was added.

TW : Sexual innuendos


Third Person POV

Roman and Remus were once one. Both represent Thomas' creativity, but they also represent his romantic side. The thing is, Remus doesn't feel as romantic as his brother. It never really bothered him, not until he started dating Janus. Since then, all he had in mind was him and he couldn't stop thinking of ways to express his love.

Tonight was the night. He was going to do everything he could to make this evening unforgettable. He did a lot of research, and by that he means he stole some of Roman's Disney movies. His search was not going well, all those romantic stories seemed unrealistic for people like him and Janus, but then he watched Lady and the Tramp. He finally started to get ideas, scrapping them on a piece of paper as he continued watching movies.

And step by step, his little plan for his special night was taking form.

Act 1

Him and Janus, eating a plate of delicious spaghetti that he cooked, gazing into each other eyes, and then, as they would be distracted by the other, they would pick the same noodle, and they would get closer and closer to each other, and then they would have a passionate kiss and---

Act 2

And then, he will take Janus hands and bring him to the bathroom, never leaving his eyes, and then he would undress him, slowly, and then they would take a bath together, lights closed with only candles illuminating their naked bodies, and then they would stay like that, talking about everything and nothing, enjoy each other company, and---

Act 3

And then, he would lead Janus to his room, rose petals leading their way, and then--

A shiver went through Remus' spine. That part wouldn't be Disney friendly at all.

Satisfied, he started executing his plan. He bribed Virgil to distract Janus for the day, to make sure he wouldn't come home too early. The anxious side wasn't really happy with the task, but after a lot of begging and threats of blackmail, he accepted it. Remus then proceeds to do the same with the other sides, but this time, to make sure they would let them the house alone. Logan didn't care, Patton was a little afraid for the well being of his kitchen, but accepted, and Roman was the hardest to convince. The prince was being a pain in the ass to Remus, but he managed to convince him by offering him to move out of their shared room to Janus' room. Yeah, maybe Remus should've ask Janus what he thought of the idea before commiting to this promise, but in the hurry he couldn't think of another way to convince Roman.

When the day came, everything seemed to go according to plan. He heard Virgil call Janus and convince him to go somewhere else. Then they went out, shortly followed by the three others. Remus now had the house for himself. He started boiling water in a cauldron on the stove. As the pasta cooked, he went to Janus' room. He started by cleaning his room, not that the deceiving lie had a messy room or anything, but Remus really wanted everything to be perfect. He made sure every little details were perfect. He plugged his phone into a little speaker and put it on a shelf, making sure he put the right playlist to set the right mood, and not his usual playlist with heavy metal and german yodeling. He finished by leaving a trail of rose petals, from the bed to the bathroom. When he was satisfied, he returned to the kitchen, continuing his meal by heating up the sauce he cooked with Patton previously. He was lucky the moral side accepted to help him. Remus didn't have a lot of experience with cooking and he wanted to make sure the sauce would taste good. It seemed that the thought of Remus cooking something unsupervised and without any basic knowledge convinced Patton to give him a helping hand.

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