Life and Limb | Platonic LAMP

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Art by fangirltothefullest on Tumblr

I describe this as Platonic LAMP, but you can pretty much imagine the ship you want.

TW : Panic attack, self-harm/self-mutilation, spider parts, blood, angst, swearing, hurt/comfort, pretty disturbing imagery...

Please be warned before reading this if you're someone who is easily disturbed.

Third person's POV

- So Virgil, what did you want to talk about?

Patton, Roman and Logan were all seated on their couch in the middle of the living room. Virgil was standing in front of them, visibly nervous. He had wanted to do this for some time now. They accepted him into their group, and they had become all really close since that video, but he still had one secret that he didn't like keeping to himself. If they really loved him and accepted him, there wouldn't be any problem with sharing it with them. Nonetheless, being the literal embodiment of Thomas' anxiety, he kept being scared of their reactions, pushing his reveal to the next day each time. But now, he was ready. It was time to bite the bullet. He took a deep breath and started to speak to the three sides in front of him.

- You know, you're really supportive of me, since you accepted me and all... And I truly appreciate everything you guys do for me... But, to be truly honest with you... and to make sure you guys truly accept me, I've got to... confess something.

Patton's joyful smile was replaced by a worried expression, matching the two other sides next to him. None of them were really sure where the anxious side was going with his speech. Playing with his sleeves, Virgil continued.

- Like you guys know, I used to be a dark side... And, I feel the need to show you my true appearance, because I feel like I'm lying to you guys by hiding those parts of myself... And...

Virgil took a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing.

- And... yeah that's pretty much it, I just don't want to keep secrets from you guys anymore... You all matter so much to me... So yeah...

Nervously, he started scratching the back of his neck. The creative side was the first to answer.

- Well, if that can help you feel better to show us, I don't see why there would be a problem.

- Yes!, said the moral trait, No matter what, we'll always love you and accepted you!

The logic trait kept his answer quiet, only nodding and smiling to give his support. Virgil smiled shyly before taking a deep and long breath. Slowly, he removed his hoodie and hung it around his waist. Then, he glared at the three sides one last time before putting his hands on his face, hiding it. He could feel his body trembling as his real features started to pop out of their hideouts under his skin. Eight spider limbs crawled from his back, until they reached their full length. They stood around his body, each tip pointing toward in front of him. Virgil slowly moved down his hands from his face to reveal 4 pairs of purple eyes.

And with so many eyes, he couldn't miss the reactions in front of him.

Patton's eyes kept moving, looking at every part of him, with an expression of disgust and fear.

Logan first seemed surprised, but then a strange curiosity seemed to appear in his eyes as he examined from afar Virgil's extra limbs.

Roman jumped from his seat, fear in his eyes, his hand on his sword, seemingly ready to fight.

Bewildered by their reactions, Virgil stumbled backward, almost falling on the ground. He hugged himself with his arms. He tried to say something, but as he opened his mouth, sharp teeth were revealed to them, which only accentuated each of their expressions. What hurt Virgil the most was the tears of fear that were now falling on Patton's face. Roman drew his sword toward Virgil, also visibly shaken by his appearance. The anxious side panicked and suddenly started running toward his room. He could hear someone calling his name behind him, but he didn't look back. He slammed the door behind him. It was only then that he realized that he was hyperventilating. His body suddenly felt too heavy for his legs and he fell on the ground, his back against his closed door. He curled up, hugging his knees, his spider limbs wrapping around him like a shield. He felt like crying, but tears refused to fall to release the pressure inside him. He wanted to scream, but no sound escaped his lips. His lungs were burning, each breath felt like knives cutting through him. His surroundings started to move around him. His head started to feel heavier each second that passed. And when it became too heavy to support, he fell on his side, falling into unconsciousness.

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