Illogical Solution | Analogical

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Art by fan-arter on Tumblr

Third Person POV

Thomas slammed the door behind him. He was furious. He had a bad evening, and he knew who to blame for it. As soon as he was safe and alone in his apartment, he tried to summon his anxious side. He was surprised to see the purple dressed man appear at his call, him who usually appeared whenever he liked and not when called. 

- Why the hell did you act like that?! I couldn't talk to anybody because of you!

Virgil looked tired. His eyeshadow wasn't covering the deep bangs under his eyes anymore. His whole body was leaning forward and he had his hands in the front pocket of his hoodie.

- I'm SOOO sorry, mister Sanders. I shouldn't try to look out for you, it's not like I'm here to protect you or anything.

Thomas was on edge, and the sarcastic tone in Virgil's voice triggered his anger.

- I thought we were cool since Accepting Anxiety! And now, you're acting like a jerk again!

- A jerk? A JERK? Really Thomas?!

- When will you get that other people aren't dangerous?! I'd love to socialize without having SOCIAL ANXIETY!

Virgil's hands were now in the air instead of in his pocket. He was visibly triggered and offended.

- Dude! One wrong little word could destroy your reputation! FOREVER! You're a youtuber! Everyone's eyes are on you ALL THE TIME!

Thomas puts both of his hands on his head. This confrontation was giving him a headache. 

- Ugh! I wish you could just shut up sometimes!

- Oh? So I don't have the right to give my opinion anymore? When did I lose this universal human right again?

- GO AWAY! I need a freaking break!

Thomas almost screamed these lines. His voice was shaky, but loud. Virgil felt something hurt in his chest. 

- If I am not even a person in your eyes anymore, that I'm just your goddamn problem, then just get RIDE OF ME! 

The pain was growing rapidly. Virgil couldn't think straight anymore. 

- Nothing is stopping you! GO AHEAD! Take those stupid pills the doctor gave you! 

Before Thomas could answer anything, Virgil sank out. 

When he arrived in the Mindscape, he was raging with frustration. He felt like a pot with boiling water in it with the cap on. Anything could make him explode. Poor Logan crossed his path as he was heading to his room. He wasn't the best with emotions, but even he could feel that something was wrong with the anxious trait.

- Virgil? Is everything under control?

The man didn't answer. He barely looked at the other side and continued his path, heading to his room. Logan felt a strange sensation. He didn't know what it was. He was worried. Worried for the other side. It was strange. He was not used to feel emotions like these, or even emotions in general. As the other side tried to get around him, the logical trait called his name and caught his arm, trying to know what was wrong. Virgil flinched violently at the sudden touch. 


He released himself from Logan's grip with a sudden movement and then ran to his room, slamming the door behind him. Logan couldn't help but stare at the purple door, with this burning sensation in his chest.

On the other side of the door, Virgil was still trying to contain his emotions. In his head, his thoughts were out of control. How could he refutes his help like this?! He did all he could to protect his host! He always does his job the best he can, and what did Thomas had to say in return? Not even an ounce of gratitude! He threw himself on his bed, making the springs of bed scream. In an attempt to release his frustrations, he threw one of his pillow across his room. Now lay down on his bed, he looked at his ceiling, tears growing in the corners of his eyes. He knew Thomas was going to listen to him. He didn't truly want to disappear, but he did what he had to do. And now, all he had to do was to wait.

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