Fight For Me | Prinxiety

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Art by ErstwhileSky on Tumblr

Human/Medieval AU(?)

Third Person POV

In a kingdom, far, far away, there was a king and a queen, who ruled over their land with a lot of care. They wanted nothing but the best for their people, and they always stood by their principles. This also applied to both their sons, Roman and Remus. There was a tradition that was passed from generation to generation in the royal family. To be sure to have the best of the best on the throne, princes and princesses were trained from their young age to the art of the sword and self-defense. All potential heirs had to go through this training, no matter their position . And their other half also had to be worthy. But how to be sure that a strong individual would be sitting on the throne next to the royal heir? To win the hand of the princes, a duel against them must be won.

Contenders would be coming from all across the land, even from distant lands, just to test their luck to win a place on the throne. Men, women or non-binary people, it didn't matter. Anyone could challenge one of the princes. The crown was open for every challenger. But the princes wouldn't let the place next to them to anyone. They trained, and trained, to make sure that they could repel any contenders that they didn't like or find worthy of their love.

The two princes had different views toward this tradition. Remus hated it. People would continually come at the castle door to challenge him. He knew they weren't there because they thought he was particularly good-looking. He knew that he didn't care enough of his appearence, his hair being always messy and his clothes usually being ripped or stained. Thus, he knew his challengers were lying when they told him they were blinded by his beauty, that they wanted to fight for his love. He hated those hypocritical good for nothing, and for a long time he took an immense joy to make them bite the dust. But it became boring after a while. So he had an idea. He declared that he would fight to death anyone who would challenge him for his hand. You either win his hand, or you die. Needless to say that it worked pretty efficiently.

On the other hand, Roman thought this tradition had its charm. He found the idea oddly romantic and he was determined to find his soul mate. Normally, princes and princesses would only accept one challenge a day, but Prince Roman thought that the more he fought, the more he had the probability to find the one who would win his heart. He would fight anyone who would show off the slightest interest in him. He fought so many people that he ran out of pretenders. Annoyed and bored, he would wander in the little town near the castle, his sword sitting in his scabbard, searching for someone to challenge. It was pretty uncommon for a member of the royal family to wander near the villagers, and it was even less common for a prince to challenge people for his own hand. Prince Roman surely was one of a kind.

On one of these days, he would witness scenes of the everyday lives of his subjects. An old woman selling fruits, children playing tag together, a man kissing a woman on the cheek, a cat sitting on a roof and watching the humans from above... Prince Roman likes to watch the town moving around him. It helped him fight the boredom from not fighting. It was all he would do in his free time. Either training, fighting or trying to find someone to fight him. Maybe he was a little obsessed, he thought.

A sound caught his attention. Someone was begging someone else to stop with a broken voice. The prince was alerted by the voice and he followed it. In a dark alley, between two stores, he saw one man holding another one, while a third one would kick their victim in the stomach. Two of those men were laughing and the broken voice belonged to the other one. He looked hurt, but there were no tears in his eyes. He was looking at his aggressor with a stare filled with hatred. Roman could feel a shiver going through his spine, although he didn't truly understand why. He didn't know the man in front of him, but as a prince, it was his duty to intervene and to protect his subjects.

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