Reminiscences | Prinxiety

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Art by aug99-99

TW : implied abuse and past abusive relationship, unsympathetic Remus, symptoms of post-traumatic stress, hurt & comfort fic

(If you consider I should tag more, please tell me and I will tag it)

Author's note : This was supposed to be fluff. I guess my personal Remus overpowered my personal Roman because I only had ideas to make angst. So here it is, hope you'll enjoy!


The first time it happened, it was nothing more than a nickname. Nothing unusual for Roman. He had made a habit of calling the other sides by something else than their names.

Patton, Logan and Roman were all sat in the living room. They were listening to a movie, a Disney movie, of course, to please the creative side. They had wanted to invite the anxious side, but he was still sleeping when they came to his door. And now, in the late afternoon, Virgil was awake, and despite his long night of sleep, he felt the urge to get a coffee. 

Virgil headed to the kitchen, passing through the living room in the process. The three sides had to comment on his sleeping habits. Patton was the first to react to his presence.

- Hey, kiddo! You're finally awake!... Say, I can't help but be worried, at what time did you go to bed to be awake this late in the day? You know it's not healthy to sleep like that at impossible hours...

Virgil was already in the kitchen when Patton asked his question. He was watching his coffee slowly flowing in his Nightmare before Christmas mug as he nonchalantly responded to his parental figure.

- Relax, Pat. That's just how I am, I'm a night owl, sleeping early is just impossible for me.

Logan wasn't convinced by his answer.

- Impossible might be an incorrect statement, there are studies that show that light therapy can help people suffering of delayed sleep phase disorder to...

Virgil cut Logan in his speech, not wanting to hear his explanation.

- No Logan, I don't suffer from anything and I don't need to change my habits. Besides, it just makes Thomas less anxious during the day if I'm sleeping, so it's a win-win situation.

Virgil exited the kitchen with his now fully-filled mug. He stood near the couch where the three sides were sitting. Roman sighed exaggeratedly, to get everyone's attention for a moment.

- You know Virgil, it would much cooler if you were awake during the day. I'm sure everyone here would love to spend more time with our dear emo nightmare~!...

Suddenly, Virgil is back in the subconscious. He's laid down on the couch in the middle of the living room. His headphones are on his head and he's listening to some music. His eyes were closed. Everything seemed peaceful. But something was crawling in the dark. It got closer, slowly. It crawled its way to Virgil's right shoulder. The side could feel something cold and slimy on his skin. He realized something was wrong as it approached his throat.

Being the fight or flee instinct, he jumped off the couch to escape the danger. His sudden movement made him loses his headphones. He was now on the floor, his eyes wide opened from fear. Before he turned around to see his mysterious assailant, he could hear mad laughters behind him. Still out of breath because of his jump, he turned to see Remus standing near the couch, laughing. He had one of his tentacles out of his back.

Still laughing, he wiped a tear from his eye and offered Virgil a hand to get back on his feet.

- Hahahahahahaha! Sorry, I just couldn't resist!

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