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After, I drove Bethany to her school. I decided that I needed to walk her up to the classroom to make sure she didn't get lost.

I thought to myself, did I really want to start teaching English? I mean, It was my favorite subject in High School and I do love to read all the time. Plus, I did used to write poetry before I started cheering.

" Have a good day, sweetie. When you get out of school today, I'll treat you to some ice cream. " I bended down to her level and gave her a big hug.

" Okay, mommy. " She smiled.

I made it back to my car and drove back to my apartment. Which I knew was an complete mess since, this girl I'm supposed to be looking after doesn't even clean up after herself.

" Oh hey.. I thought you didn't get off until 3:30. You didn't have to go to work today? " Angel said.

" Nope, I don't work everyday and If you're going to start skipping, you can at least do some work around here like for example, clean up after yourself. " I said.

" Speaking of cleaning, if you are going by the laundry, can you wash my clothes with yours? " She asked.

" Girl, I am pregnant. I don't feel like washing and folding your clothes. Especially when nothing is wrong with you and go wash them yourself. " I said.

" Whatever. I only asked to see what you were going to do. Since, I seen the trash bags you were draging to the car. You could have gotten mines. " She said.

" So.. You're almost grown, nobody isn't going to be things for you all your life. " I said.

" Fine, by the way.. Your ex-boyfriend showed up here 30 minutes ago. " She said.

" Oh really? What did he want? " I asked, while throwing empty bottles and fast food container away in the kitchen.

" Something about tell Camille that I miss her and I really need to see her again. " She said.

" Well, if he comes back.. don't even answer the door next time. I don't want him in my house. " I said.

I looked back at the calender, trying to seen when was my next appointment. Thankfully, it was in the middle part of February. I'll be so glad when this baby is due because, apparently it doesn't like any of the food I like. I stay feeling nauseous and I'm tired of throwing up.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and I decided to answer it. It turns out that it was my mom at the door, standing with some of my most favorite food in her hand.

" Hey mom, what are you doing here this morning? " I asked her.

" Well, I knew that you wasn't feeling good, so I decided to bring you something to eat. Maybe you might feel better after this. " She told me.

I took the dish out of her hand and decided to put it up in my refrigerator for later on. Maybe, I will get my appetite back soon. I started to feel worse after, I put the food up.

" What's going on with you? I never seen you like this. " My mom said, rubbing my back as I sat down in the chair that was in my kitchen.

" I didn't really know what was going on with me, I'm thinking maybe it is just gas and being bloated. Well, I was wrong and I found that I have been pregnant for at least 6 weeks. " I said.

" Wow, congratulations.. I wasn't expecting that. So, what you're planning on doing? " She asked.

" Keeping it and raising it with my boyfriend. " I said.

" Who? Cameron? " She asked.

" No, his name is Jeremiah. He's very sweet and actually caring. " I replied.

" Have I seen him before? " She asked another question.

" Not yet. To be honest, I'm still kind of learning about him, myself. I hate that I actually jumped into this situation so fast. But, I just wanted this baby so bad and get pregnant again. I didn't think about none of the bad things that would come from it. " I said.

" It will be okay. I kind of hate that things didn't work out with you and Cameron. You guys were really cute and plus, he has money. " She said.

" Mom, I don't want to discuss that right now. All I want to do is just lay down and try to get some sleep. I'm tired. " I said, going into my bedroom closing the door behind me.

Why does she always does that?? 😔

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