Chapter 1 ~ Rise

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I hope you enjoy this Fanfiction. I've spent a while on it, and am quite proud of how this chapter turned out. Please tell me what you think in comments! It is greatly appreciated!


Being the daughter of Moonwatcher and Qibli, Mirage felt she had a lot to live up to. Her father was nothing short of a genius, and her mother was the first NightWing born with moon powers for genarations.

Honestly, it was kind of intimidating sometimes.

And she defiantly wasn't the only one who thought so.

Tigerlily, one of the only resident LeafWings in their descendants group, had a super-powered warrior and a kind diplomat for her parents. Cactus had ex-queen Thorn for a mother and ex-king Smolder for a father. Overall, almost every dragon in their camp was descended from some sort of great hero, making it painfully obvious how incompetent some of them were.

"Maybe we should just leave," Mirage muttered. "Find our parents and go back into hiding."

"Don't be so glum! a voice suddenly exclaimed, startling her. "By the time we're done with you all  you'll crush those evil monkey-faces easily!"

"How did you find me?" Mirage asked in a surprised way, turning to face the newcomer. "No one ever comes out here." She gestured at the surrounding desert, a blank beige surface broken only by the occasional brightsting cactus.

The dragon she was talking to was a light brown RainWing with an exited expression. Mirage recognized him as her history teacher, Papaya. The one she'd gone into the desert to hide from in the first place.

Hovering a few paces behind him like a semi-malevolent shadow, was Freeze, the NightWing/IceWing hybrid in charge of battle training. While Freeze wasn't Mirage's favourite teacher, by any means, she was still preferable over Papaya, who's positive outlook on life often rubbed dragons the wrong way. Seriously. Not everything had a silver lining.

Why didn't our parents stay and teach us themselves? Mirage wondered. Why did they send teachers instead? She brushed the thought away before it could get any worse. Because they're busy saving the world, and they don't need us tagging along. Compared to them...we're worthless.

"No, you're not," Freeze piped up, her voice whispery and as frigid as an arctic wind. "None of you are."

Mirage winced. She'd forgotten about Freeze's mind-reading abilities. Cautiously, Mirage let go of her own mind-blocking shields, allowing her to listen in on the other two dragon's thoughts.

I can't wait! They'll be so exited about today! It's going to be amazing! Mirage stuffed Papaya's mind-voice away, and focused of Freeze.

Are you listening yet? Ah, I see you are. As usual, Freeze's mind was half impenetrable shadows and half freezing mirror mazes. It was very confusing, and became even more so if Freeze didn't want you there. Has anyone told you yet? You know, about- Walls of ice slammed down in the hybrid's mind, throwing Mirage out.

"Sorry about that," Freeze apologized, her voice sharp and not apologetic in the least. "But it's a surprise, and I don't want to spoil it quite yet."

Mirage nodded mutely, still reeling slightly. "What surprise?" she finally managed.

"Oh, it's great! You'll all love to hear! Come on, come on!" Papaya exclaimed, bounding away with the other two in tow.

They soon came into view of the descendant's camp, a collection of houses half sunken into the sand. They were all disguised into the ground using animus magic, and couldn't be detected by anyone with malevolent goals.

Mirage squeezed into the largest of the small houses, which wasn't very big at all. Inside sat all the other descendants, as well as all the teachers.

"Ah, Mirage, how nice of you to finally join us," a large SeaWing with scales so dark blue they were almost black glowered, standing on a small stage barely large enough to fit him.

She internally sighed. Commander Shark had been part of the SeaWing army under the rule of Queen Coral, but he'd been sent to protect and lead them once the queens went into hiding. He was still grumpy about that, and mostly took it out on the descendants themselves.

"Hello, Commander Shark," Mirage replied through her teeth. "I apologize for my lateness."

"Take a seat, and be quiet," he replied, gesturing at an open patch of floor next to Imperial, the son of Luna and Swordtail.

The hybrid sat down, shooting a shy smile at the SilkWing, who nodded at her in a welcoming way. 

"As you all know, you're parents are away fighting the villains. So far, they haven't done much, since the security is tight everywhere. However, Queen Glory has gained support with many of the RainWings - over half of the population - and staged an attack on the NightWings." At this, Firefly, the daughter of the ex-RainWing queen raised her snout proudly, preening happily. "Their attack destroyed several storage buildings and frightened the NightWings badly. This is the start of the true rebellion," Shark finished.

Freeze spoke up, her voice emotionless like normal. "The IceWings are also rebelling. Queen Icicle is barely holding on to her throne. Turtle and Anemone are hard at work making new enchantments for all our new allies. Starflight, Qibli, Sundew and Cricket are working on trying to figure out a cure to the Othermind, and we are gaining allies at a steady speed."

Mirage couldn't contain her excitement. Finally! Maybe the villains would be defeated soon, and then they wouldn't have to hide all the time!

"You are dismissed," Commander Shark announced, stepping off of the make-shift stage.

Before Mirage could slip away, she was cornered by an exited Papaya. "Isn't this amazing?" he gushed. "We'll have to train even harder now, in case we're called in to help. You know what, that's an excellent idea! Come on, you're not going back outside right now, you're coming to a history lesson! On history!"

"Wow, I never would have guessed that was what history class was about," a dragon muttered sarcastically, pushing past Mirage. Before he could fully leave, however, Papaya grabbed onto his arm, stopping him.

"And you can come too!" the teacher grinned, dragging the two of them towards the stairs. Mirage knew struggle was futile, but she hated the history room more than anything. Since it was underground, her SandWing claustrophobia kicked in instantly, making it hard to focus.

The other dragon threw his wings into the air, glowering at the walls, and Mirage realized it was Depth, one of the few non-descendant dragons in the camp that didn't teach. His glow-in-the-dark SeaWing scales made the room brighter, which she was glad for, not that she'd tell anyone that, of course.

"Now, stay here while I get some more students, and if either of you even think about leaving, I will have Freeze hunt you down." An alarmed Mirage watched him go, not sure whether he was bluffing, but not willing to test it.

Soon, I'll never be force into another lesson like this. We'll be free, and with our parents again. At least...I hope.

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