Chapter 8 ~ Rebel

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Peregrine stared down the corridor, searching. The hero descendants had disappeared without a trace, and she was forced to admit defeat. As she walked back to the room she and the others had been using as a home base, she recalled her final words to the enemy. 

Yes, Peregrine thought, satisfied. We will rule, and there is nothing they can do. 

"Where were you?" Pantalus hissed as she entered the room. "We've been waiting for seven minutes and thirty-two seconds."

Rolling her eyes, Peregrine moved to stand next to Scorch. "Yeah, well not everyone can tell the time instinctively like you can," she snapped back. "Now I have some thing more important to discuss."

Pantalus snorted, but didn't talk again, leaving Peregrine free to explain.

"Don't you think that our parents' times are over?" the princess began. "That maybe it's time for the next generation to take over?"

"Is this why you didn't ask Shadowhunter to come?" Pantalus interrupted. "Because you don't want her to get mad at you? Coward."

Peregrine took a step towards the HiveWing, but thought better of it. "I have half a mind to shred you for that's, but I won't," she growled. "I need all of you. Even Shadowhunter. I just...thought it would be wiser to introduce her to the idea...later on."

"Too late," Pantalus replied nastily, jerking her head at the doorway, and the dragon within it, who was none other than Darkstalker's daughter.

"So you want us to overthrow our parents, is that it?" Shadowhunter asked smoothly, walking over to Peregrine slowly. "To take over the kingdoms?"

"Yes," the SkyWing responded icily. "Don't you?"

"Maybe..." Shadowhunter murmured, circling Peregrine like a shark would its prey, her eyes glinting.

"Then join us. We can take over Panzia, easily. We just need together."

With a sudden movement, Shadowhunter overturned the nearest table and threw it at Peregrine, flames blasting from her mouth. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK THAT WAY OF MY FATHER, YOU LYING SCAVENGER!" the angry NightWing shouted, stalking after the other dragon. "YOU'RE NOTHNG BUT A COWARDLY TRAITOR!"

Peregrine edged backwards, fearful for once. There was no doubt in her mind that Shadowhunter wouldn't hesitate to stop a threat to her father, which would of course mean killing Peregrine.


The furious NightWing whipped around, her claws bared, only to realize that it was Pantalus who'd spoken. Peregrine watched, her breath frozen in her chest as the menacing HiveWing stalked over.

"I dislike Peregrine as much as you do, and I'd love nothing better to take over her mind and bend her to my will," Pantalus hissed. "But think for a moment. She can still be useful, on her own way. Leave her alive, for now, and bring her to face justice once this mess is all over. And if we fail here, blame it on her."

Shadowhunter hesitated. "Fine, but if she mentions this again..." She trailed off, slicing a claw across her neck, making a very clear threat. With that, the NightWing left, leaving the rest of them alone.

For a few moments, there was nothing but shocked silence, and then Pantalus turned to Peregrine. "I will never admit I said this, but I agree with you. Our parents have had their time. It's our turn now." So saying, she mirrored Shadowhunter and left.

"Anyone else agree?" Peregrine asked, getting up and dusting her scales off. 

"I do," Deathfire and Shatter said at  the exact same time, and then glared at each other.

One by one, all the others announced their consent, and then left, leaving Peregrine alone. Or not so alone.

"How long have you been planning this, exactly?" Scorch asked, creeping up beside her.

"Years," Peregrine replied, studying her talons idly.

"Ah. I figured it was a while, but not that long." Scorch shrugged. "You really hate your mother, don't you."

"I suppose," she agreed. "And you? Do you like Blister?"

"I'm...not sure. I mean, she taught me everything I know, so how could I not be grateful for that? But she's also cruel, and even I can't predict everything she's going to next."

"True. Although Scarlet is pure poison, from the inside out."

Scorch smiled faintly. "Yes, she certainly is."

Peregrine stared into the distance fro a minute, and the  shook herself. "Do you ever wonder you your father is? Or was?"

"Sometimes," Scorch answered. "Blister never told me much about him."

"Same," Peregrine sighed. "All I know is that he probably had red scales."

Pantalus suddenly poked her head inside the room. "Are you two lovebirds done chatting? Because our experiment just worked. The trap is almost ready."

"We aren't lovebirds," Peregrine growled, taking a step away from Scorch. "And it is?"

"Yes, so if you're done, Shadowhunter wants everyone present."

"I'll be right there," Peregrine replied, returning Pantalus's gaze evenly.

Without further ado, the HiveWing whirled around and left, her tail scraping against the stone floor as it normally did.

"Do you think the trap will actually work?" Scorch asked, and Peregrine turned to find him standing right next to her, so close they were almost touching.

She jumped back in surprise, and then shook herself. "Yes," Peregrine answered. "Never tell Pantalus I said this, but her idea is smart. They'll never suspect a thing."

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