Chapter 2

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As I walked over to him it was like the pain from this morning came back. What the hell is he doing to me?

"I came to apologize, but it does not look like you need it"

"You were looking for me? Was it really to apologize or did you want to see how much damage you caused?" I walked out of the office towards my first-period class. "Wait don't answer that"

"If you're done I would like to actually give you a full apology before I go on my way"

"Did your sister tell you to do this?"

"Wait how did you know that was my- nevermind, I'm doing this from the kindness of my heart"

"Oh, you have one?"

"Don't make me regret doing this before it even happens"

"Go ahead, get this over with" He pulled me to the darker side of the hallway 20 doors away from my next period class. Everyone was already in their classes so the hallway was empty

"Anyway I just wanted to say that I'm sorry"

"That's it? You made me walk all the way over here for that"

"You could really use the walk" For some reason that reminded me of Anna and tears naturally flowed. It's not that I care what he thinks it's just that I've always been insecure about my appearance. Anna used to make fun of me for being too skinny when Mom goes to work and since she was the only person I was around at home I slowly started to believe her. I started eating more, eating things that I shouldn't have been eating and once I got to 110 pounds I couldn't wait to tell her so that she would stop telling me I look like I'm dying. But when I did tell her she called me fat and ugly, she told me my body was unproportionate, she told me that the most exciting thing to look at on my body was my toes because you don't have to see it to admire it.

I turned away from him and tried to go to the bathroom but he stopped me, he turned me around and wrapped his arms around me. "I don't know what I did wrong this time but I'm sorry"

I almost believed what he saying but then I remember what he said this morning. "Get off of me"

"No" He tightened his grip as I tried to escape. "Not until you calm down"

"Get off of me now" I gave him 3 minutes to get off if I before kicked him in the nuts and stepped back. "Next time keep your hands to yourself" I walked into the bathroom and locked myself in. I tried wiping away my tears but the more I wiped the more would spill out. I

"Did you see what happened in the hallway?" I heard footsteps come closer so I lifted my feet and kept my mouth shut, they couldn't be talking about me right?

"Yeah, Trace we all saw it? Remember."

"What do you think happened?"

"The usual. A new girl comes to the school and thinks she can talk to Zander. Did you see how she threw herself all over him?"

"It was pretty pathetic"

"Wait until I figure out who she is? Thinking she could throw herself all over my man" They giggled and left the bathroom, I let my breath out and waited 5 minutes before leaving the stall. I looked horrible, my make up was washed off so you could clearly see the dark circles from lack of sleep. I rinsed my face with cold water and blew my nose, I let my bangs free so they covered my eyes. I only have two options, wait around for my next class and hope no one recognizes me or go home and be forced to talk about it with my Mom.

Talking to her wasn't even an option if I told her she would pass the information to my sister and I'll never hear the end of it. You heard what she said she was going to ruin my life over a boy who clearly hugged me and not the other way around. I check the mirror one more time before leaving the bathroom, four more hours and then you're done.

I stayed in the library for the first 2 hours before deciding to go to my 8th-period class, which was art. I took a seat right next to the window before taking out all my supplies. We have lockers but I couldn't be bothered to open those things up, I already knew what was going to happen. I'd try it once and fail, I'd try it twice and fail, I'd try it four times before having an argument with locker about why it won't open.

The classroom filed until there was only one seat left, why do I suddenly have this itch like something that's gonna piss me off is going to happen. Before I could even wonder who it was the last person was, they took their seat right next to me. As soon as I looked up I regretted it, there he was staring down at me. 

"Can we talk?" Can we? The whole school is calling me desperate and you want to talk? It was my fault, for even talking to him, I did this all to myself.

"Take a seat" I waited until he took his seat and turn back to the teacher who was now teaching the class about shading. "You know that thing adults tell you about learning from your mistakes?" He stared at me confused so I continued. "I know your lives screwed up and so is mine but you can't handle what I have to give"

"What do you have to give?" He waited for me to reply, but I didn't want to. "How about we continue this after class?"

"I don't think I can" I turned back to my sketchbook and started sketching a flower. Is it weird that I feel like shit like I just broke up with someone who I didn't even have a relationship with? I mean I just met him today? What am I talking about?

The bell rang 20 minutes later and I took my things and left before he could say anything, one more class and I'm done. I love PE, I can't run or even walk but tell me to play dodgeball and I guarantee that I'll hit every target. Tell me to play soccer and I'll trip over the ball, or I might just "accidentally kick someone with all I got." Tell me to play football and I'll throw the ball farther than anyone can catch. Tell me to play basketball and I'll miss and carry any ball I have in my hands. All in all, PE is the only class that I can test how much I can irritate others.

"Okay class I know we have a new student today but I'm sure she is tired of introducing herself" Come to think of it, I haven't introduced myself to anyone today. Maybe because this is the second class you've gone to today. "So instead I'll let her pick what we do today"

The girl next to me bowed her head and said, "Please don't let her pick running. Please, I want to savor the taste of this honey bun I just ate, I really don't feel like throwing up right now. God, please get me through this period so I can order 4 McChicken and 2 Fries" I was finding it hard to keep my laughter in, I was surprised no one heard her since she's so loud. I would pick running but she has enough to worry about and I hate running.

"I pick dodgeball" The girls all whined so that was satisfying while the boys celebrated, I can work with that.

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