Chapter 1

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You let out a soft grunt, adjusting the headset to fit well. When you opened your eyes again, it seemed as though you were in a new world. Having never experienced the feeling of playing one of these, you were all bouncy and excited. It was so foreign, and you already were digging it.

Reaching your hands out, you felt around and eventually grabbed at the controllers, fixing them so they were comfortable against your palms. Your eyes took a second to adjust to the unfamiliar place before you hit the start button and went through the coaster, as you called it, and the rules. It was all pretty cliche, just telling you how Freddy's isn't responsible for any harm done.

After all of that was explained and ruled out, you were bouncing where you were out of excitement.


Everything had been normal, and surprisingly fun. Nothing was wrong, so why was Jeremy freaking out about it?

Brushing it off as him freaking out over his job at the second place, you slipped the headset off with a dorky grin. The straps had made your hair go a little wild, so you just barely looked like a crackhead now.

" <Y/N> are you done- " Jeremy hurried into the room, staring at you with ever so slightly widened eyes. He seemed to be in a trance as he gazed at you, his eyes swirling in a pool of emotions.

You turned to him, cheeks flushed from excitement, hair frizzy, eyes narrowed playfully, and smiling like a goof.

Jeremy could've sworn stars floated around him as he peered down at you, his cheeks turning a significant color of pink right as he snapped out of it.

" Did you uh ... Did you finish the game..?" he questioned, the fluttering in his chest not ceasing. You simply nodded, giving a small laugh, " Yeah! It was super fun, " you couldn't help but snicker at the shocked expression he wore, mouth slightly agape and eyes widened.

Jeremy quickly shook his head, " Okay, well, um... Boss wanted me to let you know, that ----- and I are going to be the ones beta-testing the game. So, you don't have to play it anymore... " he awkwardly cleared his throat, sulking out of the room.

You gave a small shrug and carefully put everything away and turned the computer off, stretching.

" Hey- Jeremy," you called to the brunette walking down the hall, causing him to pause and turn to face you.

" Yes? " he replied, staring at you dead in the eye.

You rubbed your neck, taking a deep breath, " Do you wanna go on a date sometime? "


So there you sat, in a booth at Chili's, across from Jeremy.

You were dressed relatively nice, same for the brunette. You two sat in comfortable silence, both scanning over the menu.

" So Jeremy, " you started, setting your menu down and resting your cheek against your palm with a gentle smile.

The male looked up, his nose and mouth covered by the menu. Upon seeing you looking at him with such fondness in the dim, colored lighting, made his stomach and heart do flips.

He coughed into his elbow, attempting to hide the red on his cheeks, " Yes...? "

Your smile only widened in the adorable state your friend was in, " Anything new, or interesting? " you inquired, spinning the straw in your drink as you locked onto his hazel orbs.

At the eye contact, he only became more flustered, " Uh, well, I guess, " he paused, " You're new and interesting, and I like that. " he let out a nervous chuckle at his words, moving his gaze to the table.

" Thanks, Jeremy. " you hummed, grinning like a dork now.

The night went on like that after you ordered your meals. Just talking, and getting to know each other better than you ever would've thought.


There was a kind silence as Jeremy walked you back to your car. As you got there, you turned and faced him with a grateful smile.

" Thank you for tonight," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, a faint smile plastered on his face.

" No, I should be thanking you. " you laughed, making his cheeks turn a pale pink at the angelic sound.

" Thanks, Jeremy. " you brushed a few strands of hair behind your ear, smiling and looking down.

" Tonight was great, " you continued truthfully, letting out a small laugh out of instinct.

Jeremy stared down at you in slight shock, becoming more embarrassed and flustered by the moment. " uh, yeah... sure... " he smiled softly, his heart beating rapidly.

You looked up again and had barely noticed you were leaning in until you felt Jeremy's soft hands gently cup your cheeks, and his lips meet yours.


It was the next morning and you were lying in your bed, eyes shut gently. A few seconds later, after debating to wake up or not, you fluttered your eyes open with a yawn.

It was only then you felt something hard against your back, and something wrapped around your waist. Moaning gently in pain at the pain in your throat, you barely turned around to see what was behind you.

You were met with Jeremy's resting face, body flush against your own. Thankfully, you were both still wearing clothes, yet the position and the closeness brought red to your cheeks.

The calmness of his face and his ruffled hair made you smile to yourself, only shuffling closer to the brunette behind you.


Just maybe Jeremy wasn't as odd as you thought.

You paused when he carefully opened his eyes , immediately squinting due to his hazel orbs not used to the light shining between the blinds .

Once he did finally open his eyes fully , they instantly went to you. That's when his face went scarlet , and he started to stammer and stutter .

" <Y/N>, I uh- " he sputtered out , and you merely laughed .

" Goodmorning, Jeremy. "

&quot; Not who I wanted to see . &quot;  GLITCHTRAP X READERWhere stories live. Discover now