Chapter 3

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The hospital was always a dreaded place for you. Even worse when your lover, Jeremy, was in a room that you couldn't get in to.
Eyes red and puffy, you could feel yourself tearing up again, and ——- placed her hand on your shoulder solemnly.

You held back from letting hot tears stream down your pale, cold cheeks in an attempt to not look weaker than you already felt. Emitting a sigh, ——- rubbed your back in soothing circles before gently speaking , " I have to get to work. "

Giving a nod and wrapping your arms around her quickly, embracing her for a moment before she left. Now you waited. Waited in the dreaded room, full of chairs, but now empty to you.

It was so weird.

Not having your brunette prince next to you, his hand either clasped in yours or resting on your thigh in a loving manner. It was silent, no sound of his heartbeat, and no feeling of him anywhere around you. It was just as worse as when you lost your cousin.

They weren't here anymore.


You were curled up in bed, Jeremy's bed, to be specific. Clutching the blanket to your chest, you were dull now.

You were expected to go back to work tomorrow, but in the mean time ..
You just lied there. Eyes red and gaze fixated on the wall in front of you, as you finally let your numb fingers let go of the blanket and relax. Your knuckles had been white from gripping it for so long.

It was silent.
And finally, you let it out.
Chokes and sobs emitted from your already sore throat, burning tears rolling down your cheeks as you shut your eyes to ease the pain. You just wanted to sleep. So that's what you did.

You fell at ease at the feeling of a paw barely brushing against your side.

Next day.

You slowly sulked into the workplace, your co-worked giving you looks of pity. Jeremy was still in the hospital.

" Hey , [name].. " ——- spoke softly behind you, startling you ever so greatly. She quickly placed her hands on your biceps , eyes wide,  " Hey , you're okay. It's me. "

Loosening up at her touch, you glanced away.  " I'm sorry. It's — " she cut you off.  " I know. It's really hard right now. " she pulled you into a warm hug, arms right around your torso. You shut your eyes to keep back tears and hugged her back, sighing.

Back to work.

You were in the room with ——- as she played the VR game, commenting about it as you watched the computer it was programmed on. It was going well so far. She was doing good. But, something caught your eye. The rabbit.

You lost all your breath, and ——- seemed to hear this, also taking note of the transparent bunny. She quickly whipped off the VR headset, and you were beginning to hyperventilate. It was getting hard to breath, to see as well.

" [Name ] !" ——- called, gripping you, yet giving you enough space to breath. Your knees seemed to buckle beneath you, despite her attempt of comfort. This has never happened to you before.

—~—. ( the reason of all these timeskips is like a film , and they're the cuts. It's a series of the days and how things have been going. This will change further in the story. )

You were diagnosed with anxiety. It was bad, too. You were so paranoid, and you couldn't stop moving. Every little thing worried you. Until, Jeremy showed up at work, a visor hat covering his face.
The relief you felt when you saw him again.

" jerEmy—! " you choked out, rushing to him and diving into his arms. He obviously wasn't expecting this, freezing up. It took him a second to hug back. You didn't care to see how he looked, it didn't matter.

You were just so glad he was back.

" hey, kitten. " he spoke in a hush, raspy tone. It sent shivers throughout you. " I'm so glad you're okay, I thought I was gonna be alone again— " you cried, face buried into his chest as you sobbed to your hearts content.
His scent drove you into a bliss you couldn't explain.

He hushed you gently, combing a hand through your hair as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, exhaling softly and whispering,  " I love you, [name]. I'm sorry I did what I did-"

Confused, you were about to ask what he meant when ——- entered the room,   " Hey. Jeremy. Boss wants you. " she told.

" wait, no, no, Jeremy don't leave me — " you felt your heartbeat increase in speed as you cling to him, and he re-assuringly rubbed your cheek.  " I'll be just a moment. "

(( HEY !! sorry this is a short update ! I really wanted to write this some more but I'm currently out, so I couldn't do too much.
- ur dad ))

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