14. Only Library Time

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"What kind of coincidence is that?" Mark laughs. "It's almost unbelievable."

"I know right?" I squeal, hopping up and down in my seat, unable to contain my excitement towards the book sitting in front of me.

"I mean of all the houses it could've been in and it's in–"

"Scarlet's! I know! And under the bed. This book and I were meant to be, Mark, there's no doubt about it," I say with exaggerated passion.

"Well did you read it?" Mark asks enthusiastically.

"Of course! I pulled an all-nighter binge-reading the hell out of it."

"How amazing is it from one to ten?"

"Is that even a question? A thousand!"

"Agent Double-Oh-Eleven," Mark says, taking on his deep-voiced character. "I'd like to congratulate you for accomplishing your long-sought mission. Well done!"

"Why thank you, sir. Though I hope Agent Flip-Flop isn't feeling bitter about my victory."

Mark and I giggle over our ridiculous inside joke. Once he sobers, he asks me, "And how did the project go?"

I blanch at the memory.

"The project itself wasn't so bad. The presentation though?" I snort. "I made such a fool of myself."

Mark furrows his bushy eyebrows – his signature facial feature.

"Funny how not so long ago, I was so afraid of embarrassing myself in front of Scarlet's friends," I continue, now intent on ranting. "Now? I've outdone myself. Every single one of my classmates won a free to ticket to my 'I'm-a-weirdo-who-can't-speak' show!"

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself–"

"How am I supposed to fix this then?" I demand. "How do I fix myself? How do I become just... I don't know, normal?"

"You don't have to be you just..."



"Just– what is she doing here?" I hiss.

"Who?" By the time Mark has turned around to have a look I'm already ducking underneath our table. He quickly joins me whispering, "Why are we hiding again?"

I hesitate. "Because Scarlet might see us?"

"And that is a bad thing because...?"

"What is she doing in the library anyway?" I ponder, ignoring what Mark pointed out. "Girls like her don't come to the library."

Let alone start walking casually towards my usual corner. She shouldn't be invading my library time in the first place. We had an agreement didn't we? Tuesdays and Thursdays. Not Mondays.

Her eyes are scanning the area, as if she's specifically searching for something. Someone.

Me, obviously.

I frantically begin to power-scramble away from the table, praying that she hasn't seen me yet. I can't say why exactly, but the urge to avoid interacting with Scarlet overcame my senses like an animal's instinct to flee from predators.

As soon as I'm safely concealed behind a bookshelf, I allow my head to poke out a little bit, just enough for Mark to see me urgently signaling at him to follow me. With a grin that meant business, he makes his way to my side, clutching a finger gun to his chest. Playing along, I mimic his posture and begin to lead the way.

We stealthily tip-toe our way around the shelves, keeping our heads low and our eyes alert, occasionally walking backwards or brandishing our weapons. We pause at the gap between the racks and sneak a peek at the area beyond – to make sure Scarlet isn't looking – before rolling on the ground to the next shelf shielding us.

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