Chapter 1

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It was around 8 a.m. I was lying in my bed sleeping. My mother entered the room and said, "Avanti wake up from your sleep and get ready for your college. You are getting late."

But at that moment I was feeling very sleepy and I just ignored her so that I can get some more minutes of sleep.

"Get up soon! You are getting late for your college!" shouted my mom. As I was still in slumbers her voice shook me up and I woke up immediately startled. I stared at the clock for one or two minutes and then went to do my private morning chores.

I was happily doing my chores until I noticed a disgusting cockroach on the water tap. From my childhood days, I am afraid of cockroaches. I just went out of my room and I still forgot in what position I am. I was so afraid that I shouted and ran out of the bathroom naked. I was still unaware of anybody's presence around me. But I was lucky that no one was in my room as do not keep my room locked all the time.

Then finally with a huge amount of courage, I re-entered the bathroom and found that the horrible creature was no longer present. I think that little thing got frightened of my screaming. At last relieved, I finished taking bath soothingly and peacefully for half an hour. I came out and chose a salwar-kameez (traditional Indian dress) for the first day of my college. I went down the stairs to meet my other family members for breakfast at the dining area. I greeted everyone "Good Morning", they all also greeted me. Then I ate two chapattis and ghugni. I left the house around 8:45 am to go to my college. My first class was at 9:10 am. So, I had only 25 minutes left with me. My college was St. Xavier's College which was around a 20-minute drive from my home. I stood for more than ten minutes waiting for a taxi but still, I did not found any taxi. It was very frustrating on my part as I did not want to be late on my first day. I got a taxi and then went towards my college and reached my destination around 9:15 am.

I was very excited for the first day of my college and I was in a hurry as I was already late for my class. I reached up to the panel and was about to enter my classroom which was 10-15 steps away. Then I suddenly fell and I collided with a guy. I became so angry that I left him alone and went towards my classroom. He called me once but I ignored him.

When I stood in front of the classroom it was already 9:25 am, I found out that the class already started. Professor Sheth said gravely, "You are fifteen minutes late young lady."

I was confused about what to tell as I was scared of the new environment. Finally, I said, "Sorry sir there was a bad traffic jam on the road and so..."

I was stammering as I was very scared. The professor asked, "What is your name? From which school have you been?"

"I am Avantika Ganguly and I am from St. Joseph's Convent School" I replied to him. In almost every college, professors often ask the student about their school if they commit some mistakes. This so because all the college students are grown-ups and they have gained all types of basic knowledge from their respective schools.

Then I finally entered the room and sat beside a girl named Shweta and the class continued. During the class, the professor had put up a question, "What do you mean by design?"

Many students put up their hands to answer but I was the first to put up my hand as I knew the answer properly and also I wanted to put up a good reputation towards the professor.

Then he asked me for the answer. I stood up from my seat and answered "A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or the implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product, or process. The verb to design expresses the process of developing a design."

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