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"Why do you want to help me?" I asked the man as he stood in the corner, shrouded by shadow.

"I think we can both get something out of it," he told me.

"Which would be?"

I watched as he stepped out of the darkness and into the scarce light spilling in from the window. I swallowed a gasp, coughing instead, when his face became visible. To say he was gorgeous would be an understatement. Of vast proportions.

Golden hair seemed to gleam despite the dim room and he seemed able to manipulate the small amount of light we did have and made his bone structure all the more defined.

But it was those eyes that made my breath stop short.

"I'll make a bargain for saving your neck... literally." His molten gold eyes studied me, analysing my form as if he were going to weave gold from me, too. And honestly, I wouldn't mind his hands moulding me, touching me— no. I could not be thinking like this.

"A bargain?" I repeated. He nodded, a brief action I may not have caught if I wasn't staring at him so intently. "What do you propose?"

"I'll make this into gold," he said, gesturing to the straw surrounding us, flippantly, as if it were no exertion on his part. As if I was the weird one for not being able to make inanimate objects into gold. "If you give me something in return."

I was beginning to grow tired of the vagueness he kept using. My eyes glanced to the window I'd just been contemplating throwing myself out of, where the night was still firmly hanging over the city. But I knew it was getting later and later or should I say, earlier and earlier. The sun would soon rise and when they found straw still towering the walls and not gold, I'd lose my head. Literally.

I tried to keep my patience in check. "Which would be?"

His eyes flickered to the bracelet on my wrist. "An item of your's."

"This?" I questioned, holding it up for him to see. "You want my bracelet?"

"You can give me what I want when I'm done."

Again, I became aware of the time ticking by.

"How do I even know you can do it?" I asked. I knew I should've asked this question far, far earlier but when a man appears in a locked and bolted room, you begin to believe him when he says he can do magic. Even something outrageous as turning straw to gold.

He sighed as if I was being tiresome. Without saying a word, he stooped down and picked up a single piece of straw laying on the floor. He glided his fingers over it. And a second later, a strand of gold was in its place.

"Holy fuck."

His lips almost twitched into a smirk at my aghast expression. It was wiped off quickly, though, replaced again by a bored look which blanketed his handsome features. "Do we have a deal?"

"How do I—"

"You have less than three hours to turn all of this," again, he motioned around us. "Into gold. And even for me, that's a push. So I'd decide quickly. I do have other... business to attend to at three in the morning, if you know what I mean."

"Sleeping?" I questioned.

He gave me a sultry look. "There's not much sleeping involved."

"Oh," I cringed. "Right, well. Sorry to keep you away from... that."

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