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"You're disgusting, you know that?" I asked rhetorically, even though his words had gone directly to my core. I felt myself get wet already. "Taking my underwear wasn't enough for you?"

He grinned down at me. "You mean these?"

He pulled the red, lacy material from his pocket.

"Why did you even want them?" I asked, quickly becoming trapped in his golden eyes as I tried to avoid staring directly at what he was holding up. I couldn't help it. They drew me in. Like quicksand, the more I struggled, the more I was pulled down. "Cuddle them in your sleep?"

"It was nice to see you..."

"Suffer?" I tried. "Uncomfortable?"


"I was not aroused," I stammered, defiantly.

"Mhm," he hummed. "Not like you are now then?"

"Excuse me?" I stared at him in shock, puffing my chest. "I am not aroused now. And I wasn't aroused then either."

He bent down towards me. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and then by my ear. His lips touched my skin, enough to make me want to rub my legs together and throw him down on the be— no, we are not being one of those girls.

His lips touched my earlobe and sucked. "Sure," he whispered.

I hadn't noticed his hand trailing downwards, not until it was on my leg. It was slow as he moved it up further and further until he was resting on my inner thigh. I should've pushed him away, god he gave me an opportunity to. But I stood still, unable to pull away from the feelings he was invoking within me.

I titled my head to the side. My eyes landed on the statue.

My hand attached to his wrist, firmly. "Not tonight," I said, drilling my eyes into his to leave no room for argument. "Not ever."

"Your dripping panties say otherwise."

"I'm not wearing any panties," I said before I could think.

"Fuck," he breathed, pupils dilating. "That's hot."

I waved my hands in the air as it to disperse the sexual tension thrumming around us, thrumming within me.

"This," I said, putting distance between us as I reached for the gift left at my door. "Is what he wants me to turn to gold. Well, you."

He tested its weight in his hands, transferring it from one to the other. I almost reached forward to grab it as it seemed to teeter, so close to falling and smashing against the floor. But, no, he was in full control.

"This will be harder," he told me, bluntly. He stared up at me, the slight twinkle blatant in his eyes. "It'll cost you."

I stared at him, trying not to give in to the urge that was trying to put my body closer to his.

"What do you want?" I couldn't be bothered for the games, for the bouncing around the subject.

"A kiss."

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