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They had the decency to knock this time, but they may well not have as no sooner had I heard the sound that they all came filing in. The King led them and for some reason, I doubted he'd been the one to knock.

"Well?" He asked. "Do you have it?"

I looked to the bed. My eyes widened until they probably looked like they were about to fall out of their sockets.

Because, splayed carelessly but clearly purposely over the face of the statue head were my red panties.

I hurriedly stepped in front of it. With my back to it, I hooked my fingers around the lacy material and rolled it up with singlehandedly to fit in my hand.

The King didn't look all that pleased to be kept waiting.

"Of course!" I said, pretending to have forgotten. "It's right here."

I stepped aside. When my legs came together again, I found they were a little sore. Images of me bent over the chest of drawers not far from where I stood with a delicately handsome man eating me out flashed through my mind.

Hopefully there are no mind readers in here.

I screamed in my head, watching to see if anyone flinched. Thankfully, no one did. Just checking, I thought to myself when I realised how juvenile that was.

He made a beeline for the now gold piece, it shining brilliantly in the rising sun. If I could see his face, I was sure his eyes would be shining just as bright.

It lay on my bed, almost obscured by the mattress as with its weight, it sunk into it. I watched as the King gestured to four particularly buff looking men and they stepped forward. They manoeuvred it off the bed and with a groan from one of them, had it in their hands.

They took it out of the door.

The King turned to follow after them.

"Your Majesty?" I called. The heads of the guards turned but he waved for them to go. He stood, waiting. "I was thinking—"

"I'm surprised you got a chance."

"Yes, well," I didn't have much of an answer for him. So, I continued, "I was wondering if my liberties could include the gardens."

He seemed to be thinking, likely about the gold statue they'd just taken out of my room. The one is, supposedly, turned to gold.

"I don't see why not."

Yes, I'd been dragged to my doom from the gardens and really, I should have bad connotations with it, but I couldn't deny that even in the dark, it'd been wonderful. And with my life being so outdoorsy before, I needed somewhere to go to just relax.

He didn't wait for me to say anything else, not that I had much I could say, besides 'let me go, you greedy pig,' but figuring I couldn't escape that one with my head still on my shoulders, I thought best not.

I watched him go, the door closing behind him.

Now alone, I brought my hand out from behind my back. The material was crumpled but there was no mistaking what it was. I cursed inwardly at him. Had I not reacted fast enough, I'd be sporting a blush red enough to match them.

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