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He seemed pleased.

As we lay there, I could hear the faint laughing and chatting of the guests in the main area of the garden.

He'd disposed of the condom in his own unique way. One moment it was there, the next he'd clicked his fingers and it was gone. It made me wonder what else he could do. Turning this to gold obviously wasn't the full extent of his abilities.

There was a noise close to us.

Both of us looked up to where a few people could be heard chiding each other, laughing drunkenly.

"Be very quiet," he breathed beside me, holding my hand at our sides.

I imagined what it'd be like, how they'd react if they stumbled upon two naked people lying on the floor in the King's maze.

The voices passed, taking another path and going deeper into the maze.

"Oh my god," I said, letting go of his hand when I realised I was gripping it a little too tightly. He made no complaint, but I knew it must have been killing him. "That was too close."

"We were fine," he said, getting up. He extended his hand towards me. I took it and let him pull me up until we were both standing, him several inches taller than me. "Let me show you something."

I pulled on my dress, putting my hand through my bra and knickers. He put on his boxers but draped his other clothes over his arm.

"What is it?" I expected him to materialise something out of thin air again.

Instead, he took my hands to his waist. I let them rest there, watching him with questioning eyes.

"Just trust me," he said. You make it sound so easy. "And hold on."


But he'd already twisted, his hands coming onto my lower back. I wrapped my arms tightly around him as I felt a strange sensation take ahold of me. It felt like my stomach had dropped out of my ass, left behind as we went.

My eyes firmly closed, I hardly realised we'd stopped moving until one of his hands brushed my face.

I opened one eye, looking around, and then the other when I realised we were back in my room. Of course, it wasn't really my room but then I couldn't call the one I'd used my whole life mine anymore, so I took what I could get.

"What the actual fuck was that?"

He laughed. "Oh, Eleanor. So much to learn."

I rolled my eyes at him, just as he brushed his thumb over my bottom lip. He stared at it.

I took his finger in mine and put it in my mouth, sucking gently. He watched it intently, subconsciously licking his own lips.

It came out silently. We didn't speak but the air around us pulsed with tension. I flicked my eyes to his for hardly a second before his mouth descended on mine again.

I savoured the taste of him, registering the taste as a slight resemblance to cinnamon. But rather than make me wrinkle my nose, it made me explore his mouth with my tongue.

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