Chapter 11: Lunch

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I took a shower and got dressed back into my sweater and jeans and blow-dried my hair. I don't usually put makeup on unless I'm working which means a professional makeup artist. I walked out the changing room to find the place empty so I just sat on a chair and waited for Xavier.
Five minutes later.
"Ok, I'm done. How are you so fast?!?!?" Xavier asked surprised.
I shrugged. "I can be fast if I want to."
He just shook his head in disbelief and grabbed my duffel bag. I let him without complaint.
To clear things up. My school ends at 2:30 pm (it's currently 4)and starts at 7:20 and our lunch is at like 11:15 so that's why we are going out to eat.
"Have you heard of Derby?" He asked as we started walking out. And once again I heard flicks of camera and people shouting.
I shook my head and he grins at me.
"You're gonna love it."
"And if I don't?" I shot back teasingly. Woah... am I flirting with him?
"Then you better bring me somewhere better than Derby."
"It's a date."
"No, it's not."
"Yes it is"
We bickered on until we got there.
"Table for two please," I told the waiter shifting uncomfortably as I feel his eyes scan my body. I gripped Xavier's arm and he looks down at me worriedly. I whoop my head but kept my hand on his arm. I don't like the feeling of being watched by him.
"Right this way miss." The waiter said with a creepy grin. I gulp and water after him not letting go of Xavier's arm.
We sat in a booth but instead of sitting face to face. Xavier decided to sit next to each other.
I'm not some cliche girl in some stupid book. I know my own feelings and I can feel myself developing a crush on Xavier. I don't know if it's good or bad though.
The creepy waiter came back with own menus and since I was sitting on the inside and Xavier on the outside. Xavier took the menu but he only took one of them.
"And for miss?" The creepy waiter said leaning toward me handing me the menu.
"One will be enough," Xavier replies roughly without even looking at him.
He put the menu between us and I felt his arm slither behind me and he kept it around my waist.
Using my hair as a wall to hide my starting to blush face I opened the menu.
"Of course." The waiter said frowning.
"You can go. We will call you when we are ready." Xavier dismissed and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

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