[ Chapter 24 ]

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Erwin stared at your sleeping face. Your sleeping face seemed so different, calm, He wanted to leave that picture in his mind forever. He took your delicate hand in his, holding it.

You stirred before slowly opening your eyes. Coughing lightly, you were trying to sit up but Erwin held you back. "Don't, take it slow". He handed you a glass of water, which you pushed away stubborn. "Where am I? What happened?" You asked silently.

"You passed out, from what we heard from Eren" Erwin answered calmly, looking at you worriedly. "Don't worry, I already have talked about it with Levi and the rest, you won't have to do anything. Are you in any kind of pain?" You just nodded and sighed. "No, I'm sorry to cause you this trouble, Commander"

Erwin smiled at you slightly. "Call me Erwin" You just nodded again. You aren't that much of a talkative person and used only the words you need.

Erwin's smile faltered a little. "Why are you so much like Levi?" he spoke his mind by accident.

"Genes probably" You almost chuckled. "But not that I'm proud of it" you mumbled quietly, hanging your head low. Erwin still caught on to that, staring at you in shock.

"So you are the lost girl [Y/N], huh?" He states for himself out loud. But that made him think. "How did you even survive outside the walls then? Nobody we lost in an expedition ever came back" Erwin asks curiously. He knew you were strong, maybe even too strong for your own good.

You huffed, putting you arms over your chest. "When you still have the spirit to live, surviving isn't that hard" you say softly, looking at blonde commander. He just nodded, understanding what you meant. He sat down in the chair next to your bed, crossing his long ass legs. "Do you need me to get someone? Hanji? Or Levi?"

You stiffened up at your brother's name, shaking you head. Erwin noticed this and made a note in his mind, humming quietly. "What happened when you talked to him, [Y/N]?"

"I wouldn't know, Levi always has his reasons for acting a certain way. He hates me, and I don't know even why" You leaned your head on your arms, closing your eyes. Erwin started to think, yes Levi acted harshly to you but did he really hate you?

"But another important thing, do you think you'll be able to go on the next expedition in two weeks?" Erwin asked out of concern. He knew you weren't really taking good care of herself, at least, that was what Hanji was telling him.

"Hm, the 57th expedition right?" You couldn't lie, you were worried for Levi's squad and the-so-called Female Titan. You had seen her in her nightmares and her identity but she didn't know how she was supposed to save them. "Ofcourse I'll join, I just needed my rest, which I got now so I can continue training tomorrow for the expedition" You answered determinedly.

Erwin chuckled. He knew the one and only [Y/N] was determined so he just let it slide. "I'll trust you on your word, but if you'll pass out again like that I will have to force you to stay at HQ while we're gone." He stood up from the chair, ruffling your hair slightly. "I'll be going now, I have a lot of paperwork I need to finish. Rest some more, I'll call Hanji here soon".

You huffed again. "No where in hell am I going to let that crazy scientist check up on me again" Erwin's deep laughter boomed through the room as he opened the door, leaving the younger of the twins alone.


"Oohhhhhhh [Y/N]!!" A loud voice was coming from the hallway. You groaned, pulling the pillow over your head, trying to avoid the person who called your name.

Hanji almost kicked the door in, leaping happily to your bed. "I'm here to check up on my special patient!" You sighed, discarding the soft pillow from your face. "I'm fine Hanji. When can I leave this hell?"

Hanji put their hand over their mouth, laughing like a crazy maniac. "Right about now". You looked at them suspiciously, but sat up anyway. "Not until you answer all my burning questions!" You sighed and fell back on the bed again.

"What did you talk about with Eyebrows?" They giggled excitedly, folding their hands together. "Tch, nothing of your concern Four Eyes" You replied grumpily. "Ouch Short Cake! But for real, don't leave me hanging!" Hanji put their hand on their head dramatically. You sighed, running a hand through your hair. "Just my health and the upcoming expedition" You answered Hanji's question.

"Ugh, Erwin is so boring sometimes! Now you know I'm your friend right?" You nodded slowly, watching them take a seat on the chair where Erwin sat a half hour ago. This was getting suspicious, you thought.

Hanji's glasses reflected the light as it was quiet for a moment. "Why didn't you tell me about your tattoo! It's so cool!" You were shocked, you looked down and you could see it as it was out in the open. You cursed at yourself for being so stupid.

"Uh was I supposed to?"

"Ofcourse! You're my girlfri- I mean friend! And you always cover it up, what a shame. When did you get it?". You sighed. You could tell them, or you could lie. The second option didn't sound bad but your heart couldn't do that to Hanji, even if it's something small.

"I don't know. I just woke up with it" You mumbled and folded your hands, inspecting the rose. "Ehh? That's weird, you're not lying right?" Hanji asks curiously, quite surprised by the confession. You shook your head, looking into her eyes. "Hm, I guess I can do some research about it. Something new to research is always nice!" They giggled as they stood up from their chair.

"Well that was all I wanted to know. You can go back to your room, but only if you promise me to rest, okay?"


Like said, you returned to training after a good rest. You could sense the tension in the air, especially with the upcoming expedition. Your positions were announced and you were sent out to train in the forest next to HQ with the 3DMG and the fake titans. After that, the trainees were excused and could take a break.

You leaned against the tree in the shade. It was a hot day and it would be smart to keep a cool head. You stared at Armin who was talking to Reiner. You saw him look around and locked his eyes with yours. He blushed timidly and waved at you. You waved back slightly and you could see Armin's smile widen.

Armin walked up to you after ending his conversation with Reiner, standing in front of you. You never disliked people from the 104th squadron, you just never talked to them that much, but you liked Armin.

You looked up at him and nodded, patting the ground next to you under the tree. He sat down in the position as you sat in. "This feels nice" He said softly, not knowing what to say to you.

"Mmh" you hummed. "How are you holding up for the expedition?" You asked the blonde, closing your eyes as you put your arms behind your head. You knew the younger was nervous, but you couldn't blame him.

He fiddled with his fingers a little. "E-eh? Yeah I'm a bit nervous you could say".

"There's nothing to worry about. I'm in your flank and Reiner and Jean are there too, alright?" You said. He nodded. "But I don't want to be a burden to anyone" He admitted. He knows you're strong, but even you couldn't protect everyone.

"Don't worry about that. Everything's going to be alright. I'll make sure of it"



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