Only In Fantasies

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Attention: Everything you have been told about social life, is wrong. Yes, even the internet. Things don't go how they are in the books. The geek doesn't marry that football player that everyone dreams about. So put that one book down. After all, that's only in fantasies.

The first day of school. Like you could have read that sentence any more duller. The 8th grade was going to be that thing that was horribly exciting. Never heard those two words put together in the same sentence? Yeah, I didn't think so. I was walking in the gym right after I got off the bus.

You are required by my school to go straight from the bus to the gym each morning,every morning, until you're excused. So this is when all social groups got in there circles and sat there and talked. I was one of them. I have a count of a few friends that consists of about eight people. Hayley, Crystal, Izzy, Angie, and a few others. It's been one year since me and Oliver were best friends because of a fight we got into. Stupid, like everything else.


           Later that year..


           To busy being mad.

           Izzy we are best friends!

           How could I forgive you, I TRUSTED YOU!

           IK and... it was wrong.

           I'm mad. I'm going to bed.

          Wait!.. You'll be alright


You may be asking what that was all about. Well I feel weird explaining this but here goes nothing. Oliver and Izzy were dating for 6-7 years before 6th grade. Then me and Oliver became best friends. He then broke up with her, dated me for like a week, broke up with me, then this year Izzy and Oliver dated for laughs. I posted a picture on instagram of her saying she loved Oliver as a boyfriend after they were 'dating' and now she's mad. Yeah, welcome to my life.
Omg... DID YOU JUST FINISH CHAPTER ONE?! *Gives gold star*
quote of the day: I don't have an attitude problem. you have a problem with my attitude, and that's not my problem-unknown

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