Youth group

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It was now Wednesday night. That meant youth group. Youth group was supposed to learn about God and have fun while doing it. Now I love God just as much as everyone else, even more, but it wasn't why I came. Sure, you get to piss off the teacher, which was fun, but the real reason was to talk. Not to just anyone, but with Oliver. It was the first day for it of the year, and I was ecstatic.

I get out of my mom's car and see that cold, cracked, black tar and it makes me smirk. It was 7:30pm, meaning I had exactly an hour and a half to just talk. Oliver sees me immediately. I ran up to him. “Hi!" I muttered. Kind of awkward to be talking to someone that my friends at school hate. It's been a year since we had youth group, which made the weirdness worse. I then thought of my life at the moment. Either I ditched my friends or my friends ditched me

“Hey Kate!" He had a big smile on his face. Then we talked about the other boys here and how they act like drunk retards. By that time they called us in for class.

“Welcome to another year of religion class!" My instructor says enthusiastically. My instructor was the head of religion because no adult volunteered to be our teacher. Why? Because like I said, we know how to piss teachers off. She then continues “Tonight we will be doing good deeds. You will be going around town in groups and going to people's houses. Now, here on this sheet, is what you need to fill out. They must be Christian, but you can pick anyone you know in town." I was terrified. Besides my friends, I knew of no one in town. But of course Oliver was all over it.

My group members ended up having to go to strangers houses because they ran out of people. At 8:30 at night. Smart right?

We got back and to our surprise they had made us root beer floats. Me and Oliver sat down at the table and started talking. “Izzy is being so mean to me! She's turning the whole group against me and I don't know what to do," I wine.

       “Just join our group," he smiles “, there's always openings." I thought for a second. His group was the popular group. If this succeeded, I would become more popular. If this doesn't work out, I'll be less popular and will probably have to transfer. Again, what could go wrong? Your answer, everything.



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